Blog about history of Singapore, movies, sitcoms and good deals in South East Asia
December 29, 2006
Quake, Internet Disrupt, Result, SBC 80's Drama
Read more about the quake and internet disrupt at these sites:
1.Channel News Asia Report
2.Bloomberg Report 1
3.Bloomberg Report 2
Second Agenda.
Please stop asking about my results and whether I am going to attachment next semester. I had requested for review of results and now waiting for reply. Please please stop asking.
Third Agenda.
Just visited Irwin's blog, and saw a couple of classic SBC Drama Opening Themes. It really brings back many memories. 早安老师 and 迷离夜 are my favourites. Anyone find the Fang Lao Shi drama please tell me. Thanks. Enjoy the videos below.
Text link here
November 23, 2006
S.H.E 怎么办 MV
This song is the 主题曲 for <<花样少年少女>>, a drama series by 吴尊 and Ella
They are so cute in this MV... And I like the tune of this song, it's so sweet, smoothing and also very catchy, at least it's better than 觸電 ... If you know who is the composer and lyricist, please tell me...
Text link here
为什么 你为什么 老是把空气全都吸光了
害得我 你害得我 在你面前呼吸急促需要叫救 护车
别看我 先别看我 我的脸红就快要爆料了
没什么 哪有什么 我是绝对不会承认我喜 欢你了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳
我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长
为什么 你为什么 这样不讲理的就出现了
害得我 你害得我 连仅有的一点矜持优雅全都毁了
靠近我 别靠近我 到底离你多近比较好呢
完蛋了 我完蛋了 我整个人眼看就快要不 是我的了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳
我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长
总有一天换你为我疯狂 为我疯狂
怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳
我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长
November 15, 2006
4 versions of the TORTOISE & HARE story
Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race.
The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise, plodding on, overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The hare woke up and realized that he'd lost the race.
The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. This is the version of the story that we've all grown up with.
But recently, someone told me a more interesting version of this story. It continues:
The hare was disappointed at losing the race and he did some soul-searching. He realized that he'd lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. If he had not taken things for granted, there's no way the tortoise could have beaten him. So he challenged the tortoise to another race. The tortoise agreed.
This time, the hare went all out and ran without stopping from start to finish. He won by several miles.
The moral of the story? Fast and consistent will always beat the slow and steady.
But the story doesn't end here.
The tortoise did some thinking this time and realized that there's no way he can beat the hare in a race the way it was currently formatted. He thought for a while and then challenged the hare to another race, but on a slightly different route. The hare agreed. They started off. In keeping with his self-made commitment to be consistently fast, the hare took off and ran at top speed until he came to a broad river. The finishing line was a couple of kilometers on the other side of the river. The hare sat there wondering what to do. In the meantime the tortoise trundled along, got into the river, swam to the opposite bank, continued walking and finished the race.
The moral of the story? First identify your core competency and then change the playing field to suit your core competency.
The story still hasn't ended.
The hare and the tortoise, by this time, had become pretty good friends and they did some thinking together. Both realized that the last race could have been run much better. So they decided to do the last race again, but to run as a team this time.
They started off and this time, the hare carried the tortoise to the riverbank. There, the tortoise took over and swam across with the hare on his back. On the opposite bank, the hare again carried the tortoise and they reached the finishing line together. They both felt a greater sense of satisfaction than they'd felt earlier.
The moral of the story? It's good to be individually brilliant and to have strong core competencies but unless you're able to work in a team and harness each other's core competencies, you'll always perform below par because there will always be situations at which you'll do poorly and someone else does well.
Teamwork is mainly about situational leadership, letting the person with the relevant core competency for a situation take leadership.
There are more lessons to be learned from this story. Note that neither the hare nor the tortoise gave up after failures. The hare decided to work harder and put in more effort after his failure. The tortoise changed his strategy because he was already working as hard as he could.
In life, when faced with failure, sometimes it is appropriate to work harder and put in more effort. Sometimes it is appropriate to change strategy and try something different. And sometimes it is appropriate to do both.
The hare and the tortoise also learned another vital lesson. When we stop competing against a rival and instead start competing against the situation, we perform far better.
Filed in: story
October 24, 2006
I am choosen by DSTA for attachment!!!
Dear Yeo Ying Yong,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected by Defence Science & Technology Agency (Interviewing) after the interview.
Programme Allocated: To explore novel approaches to 2D-3D visualization for Constructive Wargaming [Programme Code : 1379]
Programme Scope: To look at suitable cost-effective and/or open-source libraries products, eg. WorldWind (, ESRI ArcGlobe, to facilitate geospatial-temporal data representaion.
A messaging layer (eg. using Java Messaging Service and HTTP protocol)shall be incorporated to facilitate interactions between applications. Design considerations shall include robustness eg. automate recovery upon abrupt/internittent disconnection from HTTP/JMS server.
To look into suitable data representation and interchange format. Open standards such as Goodle Earth Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and ESRI shapefiles shall be considered. Suitable semantic data models eg. use of CityGML for urban buildings, maybe explored.
Performance (eg. efficient loading mechanisms for large datasets) adn usability (includes human computer interface (HCI)aspects)factors shall also be looked into.
Optional/advanced areas:
a. Techniques for Automated Data Extraction which will cove
r some of these areas:
- Automated Feature Extraction: Delineation, Attribution.
- Automated Target Recognition: Detection, Categorisation, Identification.
- Change Detection: Feature-level, Broad-Area.
- Spatio-Temporal Anaylsis and Topological Reasoning.
b. Human-Computer Interface. Advanced Interaction and Display Modalities and Multi-dimensioanl Visualization.
Pre-requisites: - Java (Swing)
- Familiarity with Eclipse development environment ( preferred.
Attachment Location: 71 Science Park Drive #02-05 Singapore (118253)
Filed in: updates
October 15, 2006
boring weekend (30/09/2006 to 01/10/2006)
on saturday(30/09/2006), I "book out" of hall after fighting DDP in my so-called "recess week" (while everyone is having holidays, I am doing project!)... my "book out" timing is in the late afternoon... no life right? on the way home, I visited cd-rama at JP and bought myself yanzi's latest compilation album, "My Story, Your Song 经典全记录" (I bought the 2CD version, only to discover there is a 4 CDs version the next day, damm you warner music)... It includes 2 new songs, 雨天 and 梦想天空, and 34 old songs, of which I like 雨天 a lot... I will write a review on the album when I got more time...
In the night, I went out for supper with mother and brother at the nearby Mcdonald's (at Ridout Tea Garden) till about 3am...
more photos at here
after supper, we took some pictures at the far east flora (behind Mc), where I used to work part-time with (from Dec 2001 to Feb 2002)... I still remember, I only receive $5/hour and have to do all sorts of heavy duty work...
on sunday(01/10/2006), I went out alone to orchard to walk walk... I bought some movie vcds from HMV and a taiwanese magazine from Kinokuniya...
happy times pass by very fast, on the same night, I have to "book in" at hall again and face the reality of projects, projects and more projects...
Filed in: updates, family, sunyanzi
October 10, 2006
New Look New Changes!
2nd thing that I had added are tags... (nono.. not tag board)... tags are the links that you see at the bottom of each of my new posts, and also at the side bar (under tags)... when you click on the tags, it will bring you to a page, which you can find more related posts or even links to other websites... Cool right? I will be temporarily using these tags to categorize my posts until the new Blooger Beta (developed by Google) is stable to use...
I think my new blog still needs some tuning, it still feels strange... SO if you got any suggestions in improving the layout or tags or anything else on this blog, please please tell me by adding a comment or leaving a message on the shoutbox... thanks a lot! I really really needs advice, because I am not a good designer...
Filed in: updates
October 02, 2006
speak good singlish lesson 1
Filed in: mrbrownshow, mrbrown, miyagi
September 30, 2006
CAC Investiture 2006 (13/09/2006)
Investiture on 13th September 2006 officially marks the end of my office term as CAC Orientation Director. We are so happy yet sad that our term has ended. After the investiture, everyone started to grab each other to take photos. I think it will be awhile till the next time we will meet each other.
The past year had been very exciting and challenging. Juggling CAC and Studies had never been easy. I found myself constantly trying to meet deadlines, but all this is defintely worth it...
15th Exco, especially lawrence and hoi ning, thanks so much for the experience you had gave me... I will never forget you all...
See more photos here
Filed in: CAC, Investiture, Exco
and ya… I now trying the option of posting a blog through email, so I no need to go through the blogger website, cool right?
觸電 MV by S.H.E... the story is a continuation from the 戀人未滿 MV... that's why they even find the same male actor in the 戀人未滿 MV to act in this MV
Ring Ring Ring MV... the story is about when girls give a guy their phone number, this song describes fellings of the girl waiting for the guy to call her...
我們怎麼了MV - OMG! Hebe plays the piano so beutifully in this MV... you don't think she is acting hor... she really knows how to play the piano! I saw her playing in a variety show before... ok, the song is about a couple breakup, and they are trying to find the reason why they will breakup, they are trying to understand 我們怎麼了
if you unable to see the video or it's too lagging, click the text link here
Filed in: S.H.E, MV, Forever
An article by Hebe
雖然從小就從故事書 電視 電影裡知道世界上有天使 但前幾天還真是頭一遭看到他呢
他沒有一對翅膀 沒有飄在空中 跟想像的不一樣
她身著直條紋襯衫 留鬍子 嘴唇乾裂
她有一股味道 頭臭味 油油的味道
但又有一股味道傳來 蓋過他的頭油臭味
那就是善良的味道 陣陣撲鼻 好好聞喔
就算他手腳 嘴唇皆乾裂
就算他鬍子不刮 虎牙噴出來 我都會愛他
後來我走呀走 走呀走 覺得舌頭不舒服 口好乾
一直想找水喝 真不知道為何 彷彿吃到辣椒一般
原來是我碰到了一位辣妹 很有氣質的麻辣
我心跳加速 小鹿亂撞迅速拿了相機補捉了他的倩影
她那雙細常筆直 膿纖合度的美腿
她那布滿量片的髮箍 充滿鑽石的大耳環都無法搶過他發自體內迷人的萬丈光芒
See the accompanying photos here本篇文章引用自此
Filed in: S.H.E, blog, Hebe
September 15, 2006
I HATE reports!!!
Ok, let's now consolidate what other projects I had in hand now...
Operating Systems - One Lab Report every 2 weeks....
Microcontroller Systems Design - Mini Project on Music Recorder
Software Engineering - Public Bus Simulation System
Instrumentation & Data Acquisition Systems - Mini Project base on Lab 3
Design & Development Project - Maze Exploration and Line-Tracking Robot
btw, when I say miniproject... It's actually not mini... it's damm tough to do it.... ya, I haven't mentioned I still got a quiz next week... And I figuring when I got time to study for it? okie... fine... I think I have to find some way struggle through these projects some how...
Okie, I just had Investiture 2 days ago on wednesday, now only got one photo taken by Shandy's phone... I will post some more photos once I got them... until then, stay tuned...
September 11, 2006
so many deadlines...
On this same week, I also need to finish 2 reports (due on tues and thurs) and work on Software Engineering and Microcontroller Systems Design project.... Urgh! ok... I think I can manage...
I had lots of fun last weekend and also helped my mother to tidy up the living room (will continue next weekend)... update? yes, I will definitely upload some pics and details of what I done last weekend... wait till I finish one of my reports tonight ok?
oh ya... tonight got the sub com recruitment drive for the CAC committees... I am going to run for sub com for all projects... I am nuts right? ok that's all for now... I need to go sleep liao... later need to wake up at 8am.. I must force myself to go for morning lessons!!!
September 03, 2006
A post after 4 months of disappearing from the blogosphere
I had been really busy for the pass 3 months...
1stly... Me is busy for the whole holiday in preparing the FOC
2ndly... My grandmother passed away 3 days after the FOC

3rdly, there are at least 3 CAC events per week since school re-opens...
The Good news is that I finally have more time to do my own stuff after I step down (Which is after AGM on wed)... The Bad news is I got lesser chances of meeting up with my beloved CAC friends... (os: I will miss U All!)
So do check back again for more frequent updates of my life... And remember to post some comments or tag at the shoutout box on the right.
April 20, 2006
Maths II Gone Case...
Any way... i got a very serious headache since last night... haven't recover even though I ate panadol and slept for 12 hours... So now I don't know should I go and rest or go study... urgh...
Yesterday after the paper, Wilson, Desmond, Wei Yang and me went to JP (Jurong Point) for dinner... i ordered a bowl of curry mutton... Wow! that was the best Curry Mutton I ever had! the curry is fanstatic, except that it's really spicy, but it's damm shiok... and the mutton is super thick! not like other stalls that give you bones...
afterwhich, we went arcade (XZone, I think)... desmond and Wilson played their usual game, dream catcher! you remember the game where you have to catch your favourite softtoy? that's it... I already gave up on the game many years ago... firstly, I don't have the skills to catch it, secondly, I really don't feel the game is fun (unless you caught something), and thirdly, it's addictive and cost you a lot of $$$. While they are playing, of course I went to play my favourite parapara and shooting games etc...
Ok, I think that's all for now, my headache is killing me, just want to share with you all 1 joke and 1 story as follows, you can also check it out at
A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a Woman may go to choose a husband.
Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch, you may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband . .
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking. "Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework. "Oh, mercy me!"she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!
Please send this to all men for a good laugh and to all the women who can handle the truth!
Meaningful Story
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his
books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd."
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football
game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward
him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.
My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and
as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives." He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where
he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now.
I would have never hung out with a private school kid
before. We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my
friends. He said yes. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the
huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and
handed me half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best
friends. When we were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be
friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation.
I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and
speak. Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous.
Today was one of those days. I could see that he was
nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!" He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and
began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.
He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.
"Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular
boy told us all about his weakest moment.
I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.
Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. For
better or for worse.
April 18, 2006
重病缠身的女孩 对著键盘打下:
时间拉回高中时期 当时已经被病缠身的她 藉由日记写下自己的心情
男生依旧在画著女孩 望着女孩的背影
女孩你有感受到吗?? 用相机写日记的你
在她的青春里 最常见的搭配只能是口罩
遮住了她的笑脸 躺在病床上
只会使她伤心 流泪
男孩还想要给女孩牛奶补充营养 希望她能康复
女孩拿到了他的关心 也看到了他的画 可是
女孩休学了 习惯用影像纪录生活的她
看着一篇篇的回覆 知道男孩近况的她眼框湿了
是想念还是欣慰抑或是不舍 哭了
女孩消失了 被上天带回家了吧
男孩的画依旧在那 人不在了
不管是落叶 不管是阴天
天灰了 灯也熄?
sad story right? if you want the MV, can nudge me on MSN...
It had been raining heavily everyday... so I cant even dry my clothes... moreover, my neighbour used up all the hanging lines! Talking about my neighbour, he's really a bastard and an idiot... firstly, he hang the clothes by just throwing the clothes on the lines, and leave it there for weeks! I mean, how you expect it to dry when you don't spread out the clothings and you leave it there whether it's rain or shine... Secondly, he drink until drunk every few days, and I once saw his vomit in the toilet basin (it's a common toilet)... please la, please vomit into the toilet bowl... I wonder how he get into a University when he don't even have general knowledge of hanging clothes... Even my roommate (a Sinagporean Indian) cannot tolerate my neighbour (India Indian)...
The other day, I was downloading videos from , to refresh my skills on .NET programming... I should be experimenting using .NET to develop my personal website... The plan is to have a website that explains ME and also serve a platform to share photos, videos, music etc on a database... and hopefully have a forum, so one group of friends can get to know another group of friends... who knows? it might develop into a larger network of friends... I can also assign username to friends that I think deserve it, so they can access exclusive files such as contact lists and birthday lists... you will never get to forget each other's birthday, because I can also implement birthday reminders... of course, this needs a lot of work...
I think I will start working on this after exams... (although I still need to cope with FOC and Special Term) ... Hopefully, I will get something running in August... Meanwhile, do tell me if you have any ideas...
Yesterday was really a nightmare, I had been studying whole day and whole night, I didn't sleep until 8.30am in the morning... And when I look at some lecture notes, I don't even have impressions of what it's talking about... what's worse? I was alone in the room, and had not talk to anyone (even on MSN) for the whole day... Hopefully, things can turn up better today...
Well, I can't blame anyone but myself... I had been skipping almost half of the lectures I think... I really need to put my mood back to studying... Studying in a University really isn't easy... especially in my Computer Engineering course (people says that it got the highest dropout and "dabao" rate in the whole Singapore)... I once heard a professor says that it's accredited by IEEE as a degree of Masters standard (see here), that explains why it's so tough...
"The Computer Engineering course is accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, United Kingdom, at M.Eng. level. The course is also accredited by the Professional Engineers Board, Singapore." (see here)
This assures me that I had not choosen the wrong course... A lot of my friends wonder why I choose Computer Engineering (as compared to Computer Science or NUS Computing, which I was offered also, and is nearer in nature to my diploma)... I think I should explain once and for all...
Firstly, Computer Engineering is not equal to Computing, Computer Engineering is a combination of engineering and computer science. My area of interest is embedded systems and wireless technologies, the only way to truly learn these is through an Engineering course, not a Computing course.
Secondly, there are IT experts everywhere, any foreign average IT professional (or maybe a teenage programmer) can be much better in skills than the best Singaporean IT Expert. Moreover, these experts (especially from India) are willing to have a lower salary, and works harder than an average Singaporean. Foreign talents will definitely be a rational choice for employers. Well, unless, you have competitive advantage. That is, an engineer can design and build a computer, I don't think a pogrammer can do it. Who knows? I might design a microprocessor better than Intel! (haha, impossible hor?) Besides, an Engineer defintely have a more professional status than a Programmer in society, agreed?
Thirdly, if I want to choose a degree, why choose one that is similar to my diploma? I come here to learn new things. My objectives in studying is never about getting the certificate (although having a certificate is really a bonus). To those who study for a cert: "please la... study for yourself, for achievements, for your family! Be realistic, having a cert doesn't guarantees a job. Compare to, there are a lot of successful people who never got a degree! (look at Bill Gates..)"...
Ok, enough of typing... back to studies... Maths 2 Exam tomorrow! I think I offended a lot of people while writing this, this is written in a general point of view, not against anyone in particular. And of course, you are free to disagree with me and give me comments.
meanwhile, visit the following sites
Local brand - a T-shirt brand developed by true Singaporeans, endorsed by Xiaxue, click on the shirt films (especially 100% Hero), it's damm funny.
不想長大的 S.H.E - A blog written by S.H.E themselves, a lot of interesting life photos there... Hebe really has a good sense of writing...
TANK的音樂日誌 - A blog written by Tank himself, his songs are really good, can be compared to David Tao and Lee Hom...
MV Links - A series of lonks to many MVs
Videos on S.H.E
一眼万年MV - A nicely taken MV of their new song
S.H.E~搞笑全記錄 - S.H.E only depends on looks? no, they are more than that. You will laugh until stomachache after you see this video
S.H.E. saying jokes
S.H.E第15屆金曲獎girl power - An excellent performance by them, not singing their own songs, but singing other people's songs
S.H.E @ 娛樂百分百 (2004-11-17) (Part 1 of 4) - Ella emotionally breakdown and hit herself with the mic in this show, got 4 parts...
S.H.E @ 娛樂百分百 (2004-11-17) (Part 2 of 4)
S.H.E @ 娛樂百分百 (2004-11-17) (Part 3 of 4)
S.H.E @ 娛樂百分百 (2004-11-17) (Part 4 of 4)
April 15, 2006
Normally people will say bad nes 1st... alright, bad news then...
Bad News: I haven't started studying Maths 2!
Oh shit, I basically had been wasting time these 2 days on watching movies (Cinderella Man, Ice Age 2 etc.), dramas (爱杀17 and 爱情魔发师) and surfing net...
Good News: I finally finish my laundry! and also I added some photos, music and videos to my "long-time-no-touch" multiply site... Do drop by if you have the time... (or when you feel boring)... yah... I also manage to clear most of my yahoo mails (which I only check in a few months), send future mails to ok?
Alright, cut the crap... you can add me in multiply to gain full access to my multply site... I will be sharing my photos, music and videos there for the time being... (ymeagain ask ying yong: why you must repeat yourself huh?)
At the same time, I had been searching for a good web host to do my future web development... When I say web development, I'm saying I need support for a database (preferbly MS SQL) and technology like ASP.NET ... frankly speaking, I don't paying... If you have any recommendations, please tell me (p.s. lg, thanks for the help)... My ambition is to develop a platform to share my stuff with friends, then from there develop further... who knows? maybe I can develop that into a business... btw, please help to click on the google advertisements by the right side (don't the the top one)... it's actually put by myself and I can earn a few cents if somebody click it... well, I'm not forcing you la... click when u like lor... if you are interested, you can visit
Another thing that might interest web developers, Microsoft is offering free download of Visual Studio 2005 until Nov 2006! check it out at
if you notice, my blog also had a new name: "The Chronicles of Y-cube..." ... Nice right??? I also added another blog called "Y-cube's Collections" , this is the place where I share some interesting pictures and comics I received through mails... it's a pity if I don't share... and btw, I stopped forwarding this kind of mails a few years ago... (i used to do it but people complain that I flooding their mails).. do drop by at ... the photos are uploaded by a friendly and free software called Hello Bloggerbot developed by Google (Blogger is under Google anyway)... But the bad thing is you need to upload a pic one at a time and also only 1 picture can appear in one post... nevertheless, it's good for those who want to "hassle-freely" post pictures... and I think I can cutomize it with some html editing (which I don't have time to do now... Maths exams coming in 3 days! OMG!)
Another thing, regarding my birthday wish list on my msn nick, you can ignore it la... I just put it for fun... although I really want the following items la...
1. a new pair of Bermudas (my current bermudas got a hole liao...)
2. Tank's Album
3. Digital Camera (5 megapix) (essential item to make a good blog)
4. Creative Zen Micro 5GB (or higher) (or equivalent MP3 players like iRiver H10)
5. PVR (to watch TV on computer)
I really don't need any present la... (sure or not?) ... I found that once people reach over 21 years old, birthday really doesn't matter to the birthday boy(or girl)... But birthday is a good opportunity for friends to have a gathering and give friends a treat... (i want to la.. but I am very poor recently)
Anyway, I can buy the above things using my PROGRESS dividends! Haha.. coming on 1st May... Wait a minute, I need to pay back my mother, pay my overdue bills etc... that means left with... Hahaha... I think I better save up if I got any $$$ left...
Ok, I think I should end by showing a pictures when my whole family went to KTV on 1st April (to celebrate my father's birthday)

Aren't my parents cute?
April 11, 2006
Everytime I want to study, I want to read through every piece of lecture notes and make a notes on cue cards. Results: I can't finish studying in time -> just flunk my quiz on monday (discrete maths notation, haha!). I think I need to come out with another more efficient way to study. I told myself that I definitely must score better than last semester. (if you don't know yet, I had my worst results in my life last sem)... Ok, let's not bored everyone... change topic...
recently, I had read quite a few blogs that are really interesting...
Xiaxue aka Wendy
She has been my favourite blogger so far. She's a celebrity blogger... nono... she's not a celebrity who blogs. She's someone who got famous by blogging. The interesting thing about her is that she talks everything under the sun in the most frank way (sometimes vulgarities)... And her blog is so famous that companies give her free products and invite her to events, just to make her blog about it. Somethings I like about her is that her posts are always full of photos and meaningful words, and always backing up what she says with evidence. Besides her main blog, she also a "Hate Xiaxue" blog, a "Media Centre" blog, "Geek" blog and a "Superstar" Blog... Interesting right? check out her blog!
btw, she's also a columnist for magazines such as Maxim and SNAG.
Talk Rock
He (I think he's a guy) uses the most Ah Beng language to talk about sensitive issues (especially political) that nobody dares to talk about. I think the government will vomit blood when they sees his blog. Quite interesting points of view from him, but you need a certain knowledge og Hokkien to understand him.
Sarong Party Girl and
Hasn't really read her blog, but she's quite a good writer also, but the language she use is too formal. I heard that she became famous after she post a nude picture of herself on her blog.
Ok, next... want to introduce you all to a few sites that I find interesting
Yesterday, Eric send me this link
it's on a Italian speaking Engish joke... Quite funny, but I heard it 3 times already! Then I went to explore the whole website... And found some flash animations that interest me at ... some recommendations are Happy Tree Friends (A very sadist and hilarious cartoon), Star 摘星 (A professionally-made Taiwanese romantic comic series by Kokoro) and 小小作品 - Xiao Xiao (well-done and realistic Kungfu comic done using stick men)
Yesterday, Xiang introduce me to this website full of games... Hasn't got the time to try all the games, but do try the Top Ten Games listed near the top left hand corner. I tried the Club Pengiun game, its like a Virtual Neighbourhood, and you go around buildings and rooms to play mini games, interesting thing is that you can even buy clothings and even buy your own skin colour! (serously, I don't see penguins changing colours by buying)
One last thing, I planning to revamp my blog and personal website (I done it halfway last time but my comp crash) after the exams. I would like to have some comments... leave our comments by clicking the "0 comments" link just right after this post. Don't leave it in the ShoutBox (it's kind of giving me errors)... well, of course, I welcome comments on the way I write my blogs also... haha...
Ok, I think I need to go back to study Software Systems And Models (some people call it Java, I don't understand, because it's actually not much about Java)... Exams on this Thursday!!! OMG! I better go back to studies... LOL! See ya!