on saturday(30/09/2006), I "book out" of hall after fighting DDP in my so-called "recess week" (while everyone is having holidays, I am doing project!)... my "book out" timing is in the late afternoon... no life right? on the way home, I visited cd-rama at JP and bought myself yanzi's latest compilation album, "My Story, Your Song 经典全记录" (I bought the 2CD version, only to discover there is a 4 CDs version the next day, damm you warner music)... It includes 2 new songs, 雨天 and 梦想天空, and 34 old songs, of which I like 雨天 a lot... I will write a review on the album when I got more time...
In the night, I went out for supper with mother and brother at the nearby Mcdonald's (at Ridout Tea Garden) till about 3am...
more photos at here
after supper, we took some pictures at the far east flora (behind Mc), where I used to work part-time with (from Dec 2001 to Feb 2002)... I still remember, I only receive $5/hour and have to do all sorts of heavy duty work...
on sunday(01/10/2006), I went out alone to orchard to walk walk... I bought some movie vcds from HMV and a taiwanese magazine from Kinokuniya...
happy times pass by very fast, on the same night, I have to "book in" at hall again and face the reality of projects, projects and more projects...
Filed in: updates, family, sunyanzi
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