As I had mentioned in previous blogs. I joined Cultural Activities Club (CAC) Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) in July. My orientation group is Forte! Ever since after the camp, we have numerous outings. Going for dinner, movie, KTV, celebrating birthdays, Ball (aka dinner and dance), Flag Day, watching fireworks on National Day and recently we went to Sentosa, where I got thrown into water. LOL! (p.s. nudge me for the videos). Besides al these, in school, we also meet for lunch, dinner etc... every now and then. They are really a bunch of fun-loving friends. Some even become my committee members... We become close friends within a short period of time and some even become couples. also founded someone I liked...

FEPB1! My class
Who says there's no such thing as CLASS in uni? I had a tutorial group of abut 40 people taking 4 same core modules as me. Why so big? I also don't know why. (p.s. normal class is only about 20) Well, maybe because my whole class are polytechnics! There are only 3 classes with poly grads in my course of study. That's why, I can click with them pretty well... But up to now, I only know about 10... There are Alvis, Wilson, Rachel, good in studies. Wei Yang living same block as me, very zai in programming. (his room-mate, De Hao is same course as us). Joycelyn, Desmond, who sings very well. And Jerome, the guy full of jokes. And not forgetting my classmates in poly, Poa Send and Yen Ping, who conincidently become my classmates again... And of course, my camp mate cum room mate cum classmate, Mohan.
15th CAC Executive Committee!!!
After a series of interview, nomination and rally, I finally got elected to be Orientation Director (OD) of CAC. Thanks to all who had voted me. As OD, I chair the organizing commitee of the next Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC), and also a member of the Executive Committee.
At first, I thought that the Ex-Co (Executive Committee) people are all very serious people, especially when the first time we see each other is for Annual General Meeting. But actually they are a bunch of crazy people (even crazier than my OG!), who are very zai (aka capable) in managing people and events. In only 2 months time, we experience many unforgettable serious times and fun times together. Meetings until late night and having fun at Mid-Autumn Festival, just to name a few....

2006 FOC Main Committee!!!
Yup, this is the committee I chair. Our job is to organize the next FOC. I have 20 Main Com members (some of them from my OG!), who in turn are in charge of the sub committees, Group Leaders, Programmers, Logistics, Welfare, Publications and Publicity, and Business Managers. Total strength of 73 people... They are a bunch of fun-loving and really committed people. I'm glad that I didn't choose wrongly. We has a few dinners together before meetings, and of course birthday celebrations. We come different courses, and some even more senior than me, but we bonded quite well together. Think I haven't got to know them well enough, as rh says, we need more bonding... bonding... bonding... And bet I will be very busy raising funds in the holidays. So tell me earlier if got plans for holiday hor! haha...

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