wow... juz went supper with my exco pple... a relief from the exam stress.. talked a lot crap... haiz... haven't got much progress today.. well... here are some new songs that i strongly recommend... and some links you might be interested...
Interesting songs
孫燕姿-完美的一天Album -> 眼淚成詩, 隱形人, 第一天, Honey Honey
Sweety-17歲不溫柔Album: -> 彩虹眼淚, 愛的號碼牌, 光翼, 17歲女生的溫柔
5566-好久不见Album -> Crying In The Rain, 白色花漾, 世界最美的风景
【真命天女】电视原声带 -> 星光(S.H.E), 再一次拥有(龚诗嘉), 我比想像中爱你(J.S.), 我给你幸福(动力火车), 只是当时(Ella), 摩天轮(Hebe), 管不着(Selina)
笵瑋琪-一比一Album -> 如果的事, 一比一, 沒那麽愛他
梁静茹-丝路Album -> 丝路, 瘦瘦的, 路
杨丞琳-暧昧Album -> 暧昧, 单眼皮
Hokkien Kwa - Ji Pa Ban (Hokkien Song - 1 million)
梁静茹 - 丝路 MV
Interesting flash
An interesting taipei flash
A funny jay chou mario flash
Music related websites
Boxup (I usually check this website for lyrics)
Be An Idol - A website where normal people post the songs they compose or sings
Baidu - A quite famous download site
ting163 - A China downloads website
tt7t - Another China downloads website
Websites of my interests
《真命天女》Official Website
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Another Harry Potter website
華研国际音乐 Official Website
Blog about history of Singapore, movies, sitcoms and good deals in South East Asia
October 29, 2005
October 28, 2005
Busy Busy Busy...
really busy nowadays, just finished all the labs and reports, and now have to start studying for exams... argh... who invented exams? but before i buried myself in the books... juz wanted to update the blog (which i had neglected for months...)... nowadays busy studying computer engineering at NTU, and also busy with my cca at CAC... yup... and of course i not forgetting to organize outings now and then... yup, also juz finished watching 真命天女连续剧. so shiok! yup, b4 i end, juz want to share about some groups of new friends i make in NTU... see below...
really busy nowadays, just finished all the labs and reports, and now have to start studying for exams... argh... who invented exams? but before i buried myself in the books... juz wanted to update the blog (which i had neglected for months...)... nowadays busy studying computer engineering at NTU, and also busy with my cca at CAC... yup... and of course i not forgetting to organize outings now and then... yup, also juz finished watching 真命天女连续剧. so shiok! yup, b4 i end, juz want to share about some groups of new friends i make in NTU... see below...
Forte! My OG
As I had mentioned in previous blogs. I joined Cultural Activities Club (CAC) Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) in July. My orientation group is Forte! Ever since after the camp, we have numerous outings. Going for dinner, movie, KTV, celebrating birthdays, Ball (aka dinner and dance), Flag Day, watching fireworks on National Day and recently we went to Sentosa, where I got thrown into water. LOL! (p.s. nudge me for the videos). Besides al these, in school, we also meet for lunch, dinner etc... every now and then. They are really a bunch of fun-loving friends. Some even become my committee members... We become close friends within a short period of time and some even become couples. also founded someone I liked...

FEPB1! My class
Who says there's no such thing as CLASS in uni? I had a tutorial group of abut 40 people taking 4 same core modules as me. Why so big? I also don't know why. (p.s. normal class is only about 20) Well, maybe because my whole class are polytechnics! There are only 3 classes with poly grads in my course of study. That's why, I can click with them pretty well... But up to now, I only know about 10... There are Alvis, Wilson, Rachel, good in studies. Wei Yang living same block as me, very zai in programming. (his room-mate, De Hao is same course as us). Joycelyn, Desmond, who sings very well. And Jerome, the guy full of jokes. And not forgetting my classmates in poly, Poa Send and Yen Ping, who conincidently become my classmates again... And of course, my camp mate cum room mate cum classmate, Mohan.
15th CAC Executive Committee!!!
After a series of interview, nomination and rally, I finally got elected to be Orientation Director (OD) of CAC. Thanks to all who had voted me. As OD, I chair the organizing commitee of the next Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC), and also a member of the Executive Committee.
At first, I thought that the Ex-Co (Executive Committee) people are all very serious people, especially when the first time we see each other is for Annual General Meeting. But actually they are a bunch of crazy people (even crazier than my OG!), who are very zai (aka capable) in managing people and events. In only 2 months time, we experience many unforgettable serious times and fun times together. Meetings until late night and having fun at Mid-Autumn Festival, just to name a few....

2006 FOC Main Committee!!!
Yup, this is the committee I chair. Our job is to organize the next FOC. I have 20 Main Com members (some of them from my OG!), who in turn are in charge of the sub committees, Group Leaders, Programmers, Logistics, Welfare, Publications and Publicity, and Business Managers. Total strength of 73 people... They are a bunch of fun-loving and really committed people. I'm glad that I didn't choose wrongly. We has a few dinners together before meetings, and of course birthday celebrations. We come different courses, and some even more senior than me, but we bonded quite well together. Think I haven't got to know them well enough, as rh says, we need more bonding... bonding... bonding... And bet I will be very busy raising funds in the holidays. So tell me earlier if got plans for holiday hor! haha...
As I had mentioned in previous blogs. I joined Cultural Activities Club (CAC) Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) in July. My orientation group is Forte! Ever since after the camp, we have numerous outings. Going for dinner, movie, KTV, celebrating birthdays, Ball (aka dinner and dance), Flag Day, watching fireworks on National Day and recently we went to Sentosa, where I got thrown into water. LOL! (p.s. nudge me for the videos). Besides al these, in school, we also meet for lunch, dinner etc... every now and then. They are really a bunch of fun-loving friends. Some even become my committee members... We become close friends within a short period of time and some even become couples. also founded someone I liked...

FEPB1! My class
Who says there's no such thing as CLASS in uni? I had a tutorial group of abut 40 people taking 4 same core modules as me. Why so big? I also don't know why. (p.s. normal class is only about 20) Well, maybe because my whole class are polytechnics! There are only 3 classes with poly grads in my course of study. That's why, I can click with them pretty well... But up to now, I only know about 10... There are Alvis, Wilson, Rachel, good in studies. Wei Yang living same block as me, very zai in programming. (his room-mate, De Hao is same course as us). Joycelyn, Desmond, who sings very well. And Jerome, the guy full of jokes. And not forgetting my classmates in poly, Poa Send and Yen Ping, who conincidently become my classmates again... And of course, my camp mate cum room mate cum classmate, Mohan.
15th CAC Executive Committee!!!
After a series of interview, nomination and rally, I finally got elected to be Orientation Director (OD) of CAC. Thanks to all who had voted me. As OD, I chair the organizing commitee of the next Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC), and also a member of the Executive Committee.
At first, I thought that the Ex-Co (Executive Committee) people are all very serious people, especially when the first time we see each other is for Annual General Meeting. But actually they are a bunch of crazy people (even crazier than my OG!), who are very zai (aka capable) in managing people and events. In only 2 months time, we experience many unforgettable serious times and fun times together. Meetings until late night and having fun at Mid-Autumn Festival, just to name a few....

2006 FOC Main Committee!!!
Yup, this is the committee I chair. Our job is to organize the next FOC. I have 20 Main Com members (some of them from my OG!), who in turn are in charge of the sub committees, Group Leaders, Programmers, Logistics, Welfare, Publications and Publicity, and Business Managers. Total strength of 73 people... They are a bunch of fun-loving and really committed people. I'm glad that I didn't choose wrongly. We has a few dinners together before meetings, and of course birthday celebrations. We come different courses, and some even more senior than me, but we bonded quite well together. Think I haven't got to know them well enough, as rh says, we need more bonding... bonding... bonding... And bet I will be very busy raising funds in the holidays. So tell me earlier if got plans for holiday hor! haha...

August 09, 2005
Week 2 at NTU had been more tiring, but very fruitful... Main reson is that I finally got "catch some balls" of the things I'm learning... thanks to the tutorials and my friendly classmates... but my laptop still not here... so a lot of computing stuff cant be done... and also, Went to quite a couple of welcome teas, met friends for meals, bought second-hand textbooks etc...
Important Announcement:
I running for NTU Cultural Activities Club as Orientation Director
NTU Students only, Please make yourself free
on 19th Aug 2005, Friday, 1230H to 1530H
Lessons will be Cancelled at that time.
I need your votes to get the position, thanks a lot...
Venue not confirm yet. Details will be updated soon.
here are the details of my week, lectures are excluded because they are always the same!
Monday, 01/08/2005
1230, Met xiang for lunch at Cafe by the Quad at School of Biological Science, the food there quite ex, and not nice at all, however, it will make a good studying place...
1530, lessons ended... finally met my classmates for the 1st time at the 1st turorial, we talked for about 1 hour... they are quite friendly, most probably because all from poly, they even thought of having study groups to do tutorial together! and also got class mates live in same block as me!
1630, met wen cai to collect a 2nd-hand book, went back hall, setup printer, then realise got no papers and no black ink so went out to buy...
took the shuttle bus, towards popular, but end up at hall 2, so went to Nanyang Supermarket, to buy some tidbits and stationary
then went Popular, oh! I hate the stairs and hills! Luckily, I met cristal there, so cut the queue! felt Really guilty for that...
1900, went back to my hall canteen, Canteen 14 to have dinner with Camp mates for the 1st time since I entered NTU...
Tuesday, 02/08/2005
1230, met Forte for lunch at Cant B, collected $$$ for next week CAC Ball and discussed about our plans after the ball... then went to Cant A to buy the Ball tickets
1530, second break for the day, went library and computer to look for available comps... but as usual, all occupied, sad... when will my laptop come!!! Met Lirong at LWN Library to collect $$$, and talked for some time... Information Exchange, as usual... then went to computer shop, and finally found the "ancient" ink catridge for my printer...
1730, Elective lectures from until 1930, tired!!!
Wednesday, 03/08/2005
0930, 1 hour break, met my sis at the computer shop to sign computer loan
1230, lessons ended and then went over to LT19A for Meet Mentor Session, I'm lucky to have Dr. Yow to be my mentor, he is so friendly, helpful and also very "zai" in his expertise...
1630, I think, Met GQ and ask him help me buy Ball tickets, then went over to Nanyang Supermarket to look look see see...
1715, Went back to North spine, and accompany xiang to go for NTU Ryder's Club Welcome Tea, and also got a free Dinner!
1900, rush over to MLT for Investment Interactive Welcome Tea
2045, rush again to meet liang for movie, Stealth at West Mall...
Reached hall around midnight, yawn!!!
Thursday, 04/08/2005
1130, went to school for tutorial, but heard from others that tutorials for this module only start next week... damm lecturer, didn't inform us...
1700, went over to SRC (Sports and Recreation Centre) for Archery 1-day Beginners course
1830, rush over to CAC Welcome Tea, signed up for Orientation, Impresario and PR as Main Comm, also running for Exco posts...
After the welcome tea, went supper with forte for Dinner cum supper at JP...
Reached hall then K.O. liao...
Friday, 05/08/2005
whole morning stayed at hall, coz afternoon then got lessons...
1230, met xiang for lunch at Canteen 14
1800, wen to SAC for CAC EXCO Interviews, luckily the interviewers didn't give me difficult questions...
2100, went to the Night Supper event, organised by my Hall JCRC (Junior Common Room Committee), we went Adam Road, Marina square and then Geylang... frankly speaking, I didn't enjoy much, not that I not friendly enough, it's that others (esp seniors)didn't even approach me!
0330, reached hall, and slept at 0400
Saturday, 06/08/2005
Shit, I overslept...
0830, met xiang for breakfast and went over to SRC for Archery IVP selection
the whole thing last until 1530, quite boring actually, but learn quite a number of techniques that I have not learn in my lessons at Bintan...
1700, reached home and helped my mother with some recording stuff, then used computer burn discs, print notes and etc... slept at 0500
Sunday, 07/08/2005
0930, 2nd day of Archery selection, waited for very long for the selection... finally it ended at 1530...
rushed to Orchard to meet James at around 1630, to pass him CDs...
went to PS to cut hair
reach home about 1900 and "kunz" until midnight...
wake up at midnight to use computer... slept at 0400...
Important Announcement:
I running for NTU Cultural Activities Club as Orientation Director
NTU Students only, Please make yourself free
on 19th Aug 2005, Friday, 1230H to 1530H
Lessons will be Cancelled at that time.
I need your votes to get the position, thanks a lot...
Venue not confirm yet. Details will be updated soon.
here are the details of my week, lectures are excluded because they are always the same!
Monday, 01/08/2005
1230, Met xiang for lunch at Cafe by the Quad at School of Biological Science, the food there quite ex, and not nice at all, however, it will make a good studying place...
1530, lessons ended... finally met my classmates for the 1st time at the 1st turorial, we talked for about 1 hour... they are quite friendly, most probably because all from poly, they even thought of having study groups to do tutorial together! and also got class mates live in same block as me!
1630, met wen cai to collect a 2nd-hand book, went back hall, setup printer, then realise got no papers and no black ink so went out to buy...
took the shuttle bus, towards popular, but end up at hall 2, so went to Nanyang Supermarket, to buy some tidbits and stationary
then went Popular, oh! I hate the stairs and hills! Luckily, I met cristal there, so cut the queue! felt Really guilty for that...
1900, went back to my hall canteen, Canteen 14 to have dinner with Camp mates for the 1st time since I entered NTU...
Tuesday, 02/08/2005
1230, met Forte for lunch at Cant B, collected $$$ for next week CAC Ball and discussed about our plans after the ball... then went to Cant A to buy the Ball tickets
1530, second break for the day, went library and computer to look for available comps... but as usual, all occupied, sad... when will my laptop come!!! Met Lirong at LWN Library to collect $$$, and talked for some time... Information Exchange, as usual... then went to computer shop, and finally found the "ancient" ink catridge for my printer...
1730, Elective lectures from until 1930, tired!!!
Wednesday, 03/08/2005
0930, 1 hour break, met my sis at the computer shop to sign computer loan
1230, lessons ended and then went over to LT19A for Meet Mentor Session, I'm lucky to have Dr. Yow to be my mentor, he is so friendly, helpful and also very "zai" in his expertise...
1630, I think, Met GQ and ask him help me buy Ball tickets, then went over to Nanyang Supermarket to look look see see...
1715, Went back to North spine, and accompany xiang to go for NTU Ryder's Club Welcome Tea, and also got a free Dinner!
1900, rush over to MLT for Investment Interactive Welcome Tea
2045, rush again to meet liang for movie, Stealth at West Mall...
Reached hall around midnight, yawn!!!
Thursday, 04/08/2005
1130, went to school for tutorial, but heard from others that tutorials for this module only start next week... damm lecturer, didn't inform us...
1700, went over to SRC (Sports and Recreation Centre) for Archery 1-day Beginners course
1830, rush over to CAC Welcome Tea, signed up for Orientation, Impresario and PR as Main Comm, also running for Exco posts...
After the welcome tea, went supper with forte for Dinner cum supper at JP...
Reached hall then K.O. liao...
Friday, 05/08/2005
whole morning stayed at hall, coz afternoon then got lessons...
1230, met xiang for lunch at Canteen 14
1800, wen to SAC for CAC EXCO Interviews, luckily the interviewers didn't give me difficult questions...
2100, went to the Night Supper event, organised by my Hall JCRC (Junior Common Room Committee), we went Adam Road, Marina square and then Geylang... frankly speaking, I didn't enjoy much, not that I not friendly enough, it's that others (esp seniors)didn't even approach me!
0330, reached hall, and slept at 0400
Saturday, 06/08/2005
Shit, I overslept...
0830, met xiang for breakfast and went over to SRC for Archery IVP selection
the whole thing last until 1530, quite boring actually, but learn quite a number of techniques that I have not learn in my lessons at Bintan...
1700, reached home and helped my mother with some recording stuff, then used computer burn discs, print notes and etc... slept at 0500
Sunday, 07/08/2005
0930, 2nd day of Archery selection, waited for very long for the selection... finally it ended at 1530...
rushed to Orchard to meet James at around 1630, to pass him CDs...
went to PS to cut hair
reach home about 1900 and "kunz" until midnight...
wake up at midnight to use computer... slept at 0400...
July 31, 2005
NTU, stands for the Nanyang Technological University... for those who still still still don't know.... I had just fulfilled one of my biggest dream, being an undergraduate at NTU, a computer engineering student...
this week have been packed with studies and activities.... running here and there for lectures, to buy books, to collect lab manuals and lecture notes, to print notes, and meet people for meals... BUT university is not all about studying... I always ensure my life are full of other activities... see below:
Monday, 25/07/2005
1st day of school, no lessons... but I'm super busy...
9am, early in the morning, went to the Freshmen Welcome Day talk... and also meet some of my camp mates and sergeants... (frankly speaking I don't want to associate with them much, because of bad memories at camp)... i didn't expect it to be so formal... have to wear a gown, listen to a few speeches, pledge to the University Code of Honour, watched a few performances...
10.30am, talk ended... and signed up for the flag day on wed... suppose to meet wencai for lunch at 11.30, but wait until 12.30pm still haven come...
12.30pm, met xiang, sebes and boon and went to the CCA recruitment fair... signed up for Archery Club, Emcee Club and Cultural Activities Club...
1.30pm, brought boon and sebes for lunch at canteen A then went to visit my hostel room...
3.30pm, went back auditorium to find xiang...
around 4pm, went to labs to collect lab manuals, ordered lecture notes...
near to 5pm, met yixi to see laptops at the computer shop...
5.30pm, went to jurong point to buy CD...
6.30pm, met Forte (orientation group) to watch Jiang Mei Qi & Fan Wei Qi Campus Concert... the 1st campus concert I watched! queue for a very long time... but it's worth it... the concert was great and fan fan is super friendly...
8.30pm, we decided to go for "supper" at the nearby coffee shop... but due to some "communication breakdown" we went to dfferent places.... but eventually we had manage to find the right place...
10pm plus... back to my hall... damm tired...

Tuesday, 26/07/2005
morning, lectures and lectures...
afternoon, met xiang for lunch, then a lecture
then went to popular book shop with mohan to buy books.. the shop i damm crowded and the queue is damm long... what's worse? my books are damm heavy and expensive... spent $144 on 4 books...
then went to computer terminal room to use computer, because my laptop is not here yet! waited for almost to print only a few pages.. because there are people who print hundreds of pages at 1 time!!!
after some studying, went to bed early at 9pm plus, but kenna wake up by a call from xiang saying wan to visit my room! that was 10pm plus... In the end, only fall asleep at 11pm plus...
Wednesday, 27/07/2005
This day is NTU Students' Fund Flag Day! it's been ages since the last flag day I participate... I think that was in secondary 2...
met Anthony, Nick and Andrea on bus 199 and then lirong at boon lay mrt.. we headed to Tanjong Pagar.. on the way, we (especially lirong) took a lot of photos using Nick's phone! LOL! upon reaching there, we had lunch at the nearby hawker centre and then me and yixi began our "begging" nearby... it wasn't surprising that quite a number ask me the money go to where (after the NKF incident)... my answer was NTU student fund, endownment fund and community chest... and purposely avoid saying the fourth charity: NKF Children's Medical Fund... hehe...
at the end of 2.5 hours (2.30pm), yixi got more than 3/4 can, but I only got more than 1/4 can... guess I'm really not good in this business... then we took a break at International Plaza Burger King... after the break, we travelled to City Hall mrt (the wrong collection point), then to Raffles Place (the correct place)... Anthony, Andrea and me contiued to "beg for more", the rest went to "relax 1 corner"... this place wasn't as easy as tanjong pagar, especially when this is not the peak hours... so after some time, we also went to Clark Quay Mcdonald's to rest...
5.30pm, finally we can return the cans at the UOB plaza collection point... after that went to marina square Han's to have dinner... It's really difficult to consolidate order of 10+ people... headache! It 8pm plus when we finished dinner... at 1st want to watch movie, then decided to play pool, and end up playing arcade... as usual, i played Para Para! hehe...
reached back hostel near to 11pm... a really long day... damm tired... but slept at 1am...

Thursday, 28/07/2005
afternoon then got lectures because no lab lessons on 1st week... but got up early to use computer at Lee Wee Nam library... because I need to Self-learn 4 lectures!!! luckily the flash animation is well-prepared and understandable, also with a bit help from what I learn in poly...
12.30pm, met wencai for lunch at Canteen B...
1.30pm, went back library to use computer...
2.30pm to 4.30pm, lectures...
4.30pm, went loittering around and to the book shop again... bought some stationary and a book... saw Xiuwen and Xiang Xin there...
then went to computer shop, then dinner alone at canteen B
after which, went back book shop to buy calculator...
went back hall, study a bit, took a bath...
8.30pm, watched Project Superstar at the TV lounge... it was generally a better show than the guys...
9.30pm to 11.30pm, went to the Hall computer room to "try" to use the computer there, but after discovering that it's running a at 733Mghz... i gave up and went back to room to file up my notes...
11.30pm, the superstar results are out... I expected jason and silver to be out... but strangely, they managed to get in...
damm tired... slept after that...
Friday, 29/07/2005
finally I can wake up later in the morning... but also not very late la... I woke up naturally at 9am... done some washing of clothes in the morning... it was around 12 when I finish... took a bath, and met xiang 1330 at canteen B for lunch... anthony, xiang xin and corina was also there... 1430 started my 4 hours marathon of lectures (inclusive of 2 hours make-up lecture)... went to the wrong LT again... blur sotong... lectures ended at 1630, had dinner and went back hall... done some packing, and went home... home sweet home at last... slept at 1am...
Saturday, 30/07/2005
woke up 10am plus... had brunch and started using computer until now... you cant a person who hasn't really been touching computer to use for such long hours... :D sorry, I cant live without computers, or should I say I cant stand the days not chatting with my friends...
***Disclaimer: Sorry if this long blog bored you... :)
this week have been packed with studies and activities.... running here and there for lectures, to buy books, to collect lab manuals and lecture notes, to print notes, and meet people for meals... BUT university is not all about studying... I always ensure my life are full of other activities... see below:
Monday, 25/07/2005
1st day of school, no lessons... but I'm super busy...
9am, early in the morning, went to the Freshmen Welcome Day talk... and also meet some of my camp mates and sergeants... (frankly speaking I don't want to associate with them much, because of bad memories at camp)... i didn't expect it to be so formal... have to wear a gown, listen to a few speeches, pledge to the University Code of Honour, watched a few performances...
10.30am, talk ended... and signed up for the flag day on wed... suppose to meet wencai for lunch at 11.30, but wait until 12.30pm still haven come...
12.30pm, met xiang, sebes and boon and went to the CCA recruitment fair... signed up for Archery Club, Emcee Club and Cultural Activities Club...
1.30pm, brought boon and sebes for lunch at canteen A then went to visit my hostel room...
3.30pm, went back auditorium to find xiang...
around 4pm, went to labs to collect lab manuals, ordered lecture notes...
near to 5pm, met yixi to see laptops at the computer shop...
5.30pm, went to jurong point to buy CD...
6.30pm, met Forte (orientation group) to watch Jiang Mei Qi & Fan Wei Qi Campus Concert... the 1st campus concert I watched! queue for a very long time... but it's worth it... the concert was great and fan fan is super friendly...
8.30pm, we decided to go for "supper" at the nearby coffee shop... but due to some "communication breakdown" we went to dfferent places.... but eventually we had manage to find the right place...
10pm plus... back to my hall... damm tired...
Tuesday, 26/07/2005
morning, lectures and lectures...
afternoon, met xiang for lunch, then a lecture
then went to popular book shop with mohan to buy books.. the shop i damm crowded and the queue is damm long... what's worse? my books are damm heavy and expensive... spent $144 on 4 books...
then went to computer terminal room to use computer, because my laptop is not here yet! waited for almost to print only a few pages.. because there are people who print hundreds of pages at 1 time!!!
after some studying, went to bed early at 9pm plus, but kenna wake up by a call from xiang saying wan to visit my room! that was 10pm plus... In the end, only fall asleep at 11pm plus...
Wednesday, 27/07/2005
This day is NTU Students' Fund Flag Day! it's been ages since the last flag day I participate... I think that was in secondary 2...
met Anthony, Nick and Andrea on bus 199 and then lirong at boon lay mrt.. we headed to Tanjong Pagar.. on the way, we (especially lirong) took a lot of photos using Nick's phone! LOL! upon reaching there, we had lunch at the nearby hawker centre and then me and yixi began our "begging" nearby... it wasn't surprising that quite a number ask me the money go to where (after the NKF incident)... my answer was NTU student fund, endownment fund and community chest... and purposely avoid saying the fourth charity: NKF Children's Medical Fund... hehe...
at the end of 2.5 hours (2.30pm), yixi got more than 3/4 can, but I only got more than 1/4 can... guess I'm really not good in this business... then we took a break at International Plaza Burger King... after the break, we travelled to City Hall mrt (the wrong collection point), then to Raffles Place (the correct place)... Anthony, Andrea and me contiued to "beg for more", the rest went to "relax 1 corner"... this place wasn't as easy as tanjong pagar, especially when this is not the peak hours... so after some time, we also went to Clark Quay Mcdonald's to rest...
5.30pm, finally we can return the cans at the UOB plaza collection point... after that went to marina square Han's to have dinner... It's really difficult to consolidate order of 10+ people... headache! It 8pm plus when we finished dinner... at 1st want to watch movie, then decided to play pool, and end up playing arcade... as usual, i played Para Para! hehe...
reached back hostel near to 11pm... a really long day... damm tired... but slept at 1am...
Thursday, 28/07/2005
afternoon then got lectures because no lab lessons on 1st week... but got up early to use computer at Lee Wee Nam library... because I need to Self-learn 4 lectures!!! luckily the flash animation is well-prepared and understandable, also with a bit help from what I learn in poly...
12.30pm, met wencai for lunch at Canteen B...
1.30pm, went back library to use computer...
2.30pm to 4.30pm, lectures...
4.30pm, went loittering around and to the book shop again... bought some stationary and a book... saw Xiuwen and Xiang Xin there...
then went to computer shop, then dinner alone at canteen B
after which, went back book shop to buy calculator...
went back hall, study a bit, took a bath...
8.30pm, watched Project Superstar at the TV lounge... it was generally a better show than the guys...
9.30pm to 11.30pm, went to the Hall computer room to "try" to use the computer there, but after discovering that it's running a at 733Mghz... i gave up and went back to room to file up my notes...
11.30pm, the superstar results are out... I expected jason and silver to be out... but strangely, they managed to get in...
damm tired... slept after that...
Friday, 29/07/2005
finally I can wake up later in the morning... but also not very late la... I woke up naturally at 9am... done some washing of clothes in the morning... it was around 12 when I finish... took a bath, and met xiang 1330 at canteen B for lunch... anthony, xiang xin and corina was also there... 1430 started my 4 hours marathon of lectures (inclusive of 2 hours make-up lecture)... went to the wrong LT again... blur sotong... lectures ended at 1630, had dinner and went back hall... done some packing, and went home... home sweet home at last... slept at 1am...
Saturday, 30/07/2005
woke up 10am plus... had brunch and started using computer until now... you cant a person who hasn't really been touching computer to use for such long hours... :D sorry, I cant live without computers, or should I say I cant stand the days not chatting with my friends...
***Disclaimer: Sorry if this long blog bored you... :)
July 01, 2005
paiseh to anyone reading my blog out there... been quite tiring these days that i dun have the mood to write blogs! most impt of all, my comp breakdown again last sat (25/06/2005)... very very sad... i will definitely update when my comp is up again...
well, let's say about my life recently... for most of the people clearing leave, they are very free... but for my case, i am damm busy!
last week,
wed: mahjong with camp mates and ktv with my family,
thurs: job interview and buying my friend's bdae present,
fri: brought my mother to national skin centre,
sat: meet up with my FYP mates,
sun: went to a orientation welcome tea and then friend's granfather funeral then watch Initial D with xiang
as for this week, i had been working part-time as a surveyor counting vehicles most of the time...
mon: counting vehicles at CTE (near amk ave 1)
tues: counting vehicles at the same place
wed: went back to camp to sign clearances in morning, kenna scolded by Miss Ellen Ang, coz OC din approve my leave! night time meet up with Dy (my best buddy in club), i treat him to watch batman begins, he treat me dinner at nydc...
thurs: counting vehicles from 5pm to 10pm at CTE (near bukit timah road)
today: count vehicles at BKE (near woodlands)
hopefully next week my comp can be back in action (so i can try out the S.H.E mp3 player i just collected and start blogging again), and have to make some time out to tidy up my old things and start revising!
well, let's say about my life recently... for most of the people clearing leave, they are very free... but for my case, i am damm busy!
last week,
wed: mahjong with camp mates and ktv with my family,
thurs: job interview and buying my friend's bdae present,
fri: brought my mother to national skin centre,
sat: meet up with my FYP mates,
sun: went to a orientation welcome tea and then friend's granfather funeral then watch Initial D with xiang
as for this week, i had been working part-time as a surveyor counting vehicles most of the time...
mon: counting vehicles at CTE (near amk ave 1)
tues: counting vehicles at the same place
wed: went back to camp to sign clearances in morning, kenna scolded by Miss Ellen Ang, coz OC din approve my leave! night time meet up with Dy (my best buddy in club), i treat him to watch batman begins, he treat me dinner at nydc...
thurs: counting vehicles from 5pm to 10pm at CTE (near bukit timah road)
today: count vehicles at BKE (near woodlands)
hopefully next week my comp can be back in action (so i can try out the S.H.E mp3 player i just collected and start blogging again), and have to make some time out to tidy up my old things and start revising!
May 31, 2005
Selamat Datang Bintan!
23/05/2005, Monday to 25/05/2005, Wednesday
yawn! wake up early in the morning 5am after only 1 hour plus of sleep... that's because of late night supper with my long time no see OG pals and also last minute luggage packing... today marks the 1st day of bintan trip with my family... it had been donkey years since i went overseas last time... as u know, it's hard to get overseas leave as a NSF...
although i wake up at 5am, but due to last minute preparation and my mother's slowness, we only left home around 7.30am and reached Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal around 8am... well, the ferry trip is actually only 40 minutes, but it cost a whoppping $45! (to and fro of course) with that money i think can fly to thailand liao lor... btw, except for my parents and siblings, my brother also brought 6 of his friends... we had our packet breakfast on the ferry, because we really didn't had time b4 that... reached Bintan around 10am (9am Indonesia Time), the ferry terminal immediately a feeling that i'm in malaysia... well, besides the furtest place i had been is Batam... after which we took a "bouncy" 20mins shuttle bus to the resort we are staying... check in time was 3pm, so we put our luggage there 1st... then it begin to rain... oh shit, that means cannot go beach liao... so we decided to take a S$3 bus ride to the nearby "Pasar Oleh Oleh Shopping Village"... (Note: It's Sing dollars, not rupiah, surprisingly most things are paid by Sing dollars)...
Pasar Oleh Oleh Shopping Village... I thought it's a shopping centre at 1st, but I was totally wrong... It's a place of a few modified wooden houses that becomes shops, resturants and minimart... quite boring actually... after some walking in the rain and in the minimart (which sells very expensive things)... we had our lunch at a simple sort-of restaurant... the fish porridge is damm big and nice, and only cost 3 bucks... after which, we went back to the resort, but still cannot check in... while waiting, we choose a cake to celebrate my mother's very belated birthday... the villa (standalone 2 storey chalet-type house) we staying is actually quite near the main lobby... eqipped with 4 bedrooms, a full kitchen and 3 toilets... the best part i like is we are given a buggy (golf car) for our own use! after some tidy up, we celebrated my mother's birthday in the late afternoon, then 4 of my brother's friends went back to sg... i also got to drive the buggy without license! (according to resort rules, only people with driving license are allowed to drive the buggy)... this had been my 1st realistic driving experience... after watching some TV, that marks the end of the day...
on tuesday, after having breakfast, we went to the beach, no mood to go down to the sea, so the rest went into the sea, while sat down to write my blog... after some time, we went back to the villa and had instant noodles for lunch, because the food at the resort is really too expensive... after which, we went to some greenary to take photos and i got a few chance to drive the buggy... then we ended up at the leisure centre... we played ping pong (only 3 ping pong tables), arcade games (limited out-dated games) and pool (only ONE pool table)... i think even the NTUC Downtown East has a leisure centre better than this lor... well, after that, we went over to the main lobby, where we started to search for a affordable dinner... i saw a can drink selling at S$3! a set meal costing S$60! OMG, everything there needs a lot of $$$... luckily, we found a meal at $17++ at an Italian Restaurant... although, it's a simple restaurant, but the service was excellence... my order is a hawailian pizza, when we all thought that it's a personal size pizza, but it's turns out to be equivilant to a medium size Pizza Hut pizza... thus, we had a fulfilling dinner... in the night, we played some board games like jenga... then that's end of the day...
wednesday, wake up, had breakfast, then went over to leisure centre... where my brother's friends tried on the traditional Indonesia costumes and took photos... then we went over to the archery to shoot arrows... finally, i fulfilled my wish on trying on archery... there, we shoot about 30 plus arrows each, mostly on the ground... hehe... but it was really quite an experience... we went back to villa after that, done some pack up and went to the main lobby, getting ready to departure... at 1pm (indonesia time), we are already on the shuttle bus to the jetty... it was a 2.30pm ferry... don't know why, i really tired and dozed off... it was 5pm (Singapore time) when we reached sg again... then we headed back home in a cab... when reached home, I done my usual stuff like surfing net and writing blogs and slept around 3am...
23/05/2005, Monday to 25/05/2005, Wednesday
yawn! wake up early in the morning 5am after only 1 hour plus of sleep... that's because of late night supper with my long time no see OG pals and also last minute luggage packing... today marks the 1st day of bintan trip with my family... it had been donkey years since i went overseas last time... as u know, it's hard to get overseas leave as a NSF...
although i wake up at 5am, but due to last minute preparation and my mother's slowness, we only left home around 7.30am and reached Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal around 8am... well, the ferry trip is actually only 40 minutes, but it cost a whoppping $45! (to and fro of course) with that money i think can fly to thailand liao lor... btw, except for my parents and siblings, my brother also brought 6 of his friends... we had our packet breakfast on the ferry, because we really didn't had time b4 that... reached Bintan around 10am (9am Indonesia Time), the ferry terminal immediately a feeling that i'm in malaysia... well, besides the furtest place i had been is Batam... after which we took a "bouncy" 20mins shuttle bus to the resort we are staying... check in time was 3pm, so we put our luggage there 1st... then it begin to rain... oh shit, that means cannot go beach liao... so we decided to take a S$3 bus ride to the nearby "Pasar Oleh Oleh Shopping Village"... (Note: It's Sing dollars, not rupiah, surprisingly most things are paid by Sing dollars)...
Pasar Oleh Oleh Shopping Village... I thought it's a shopping centre at 1st, but I was totally wrong... It's a place of a few modified wooden houses that becomes shops, resturants and minimart... quite boring actually... after some walking in the rain and in the minimart (which sells very expensive things)... we had our lunch at a simple sort-of restaurant... the fish porridge is damm big and nice, and only cost 3 bucks... after which, we went back to the resort, but still cannot check in... while waiting, we choose a cake to celebrate my mother's very belated birthday... the villa (standalone 2 storey chalet-type house) we staying is actually quite near the main lobby... eqipped with 4 bedrooms, a full kitchen and 3 toilets... the best part i like is we are given a buggy (golf car) for our own use! after some tidy up, we celebrated my mother's birthday in the late afternoon, then 4 of my brother's friends went back to sg... i also got to drive the buggy without license! (according to resort rules, only people with driving license are allowed to drive the buggy)... this had been my 1st realistic driving experience... after watching some TV, that marks the end of the day...
on tuesday, after having breakfast, we went to the beach, no mood to go down to the sea, so the rest went into the sea, while sat down to write my blog... after some time, we went back to the villa and had instant noodles for lunch, because the food at the resort is really too expensive... after which, we went to some greenary to take photos and i got a few chance to drive the buggy... then we ended up at the leisure centre... we played ping pong (only 3 ping pong tables), arcade games (limited out-dated games) and pool (only ONE pool table)... i think even the NTUC Downtown East has a leisure centre better than this lor... well, after that, we went over to the main lobby, where we started to search for a affordable dinner... i saw a can drink selling at S$3! a set meal costing S$60! OMG, everything there needs a lot of $$$... luckily, we found a meal at $17++ at an Italian Restaurant... although, it's a simple restaurant, but the service was excellence... my order is a hawailian pizza, when we all thought that it's a personal size pizza, but it's turns out to be equivilant to a medium size Pizza Hut pizza... thus, we had a fulfilling dinner... in the night, we played some board games like jenga... then that's end of the day...
wednesday, wake up, had breakfast, then went over to leisure centre... where my brother's friends tried on the traditional Indonesia costumes and took photos... then we went over to the archery to shoot arrows... finally, i fulfilled my wish on trying on archery... there, we shoot about 30 plus arrows each, mostly on the ground... hehe... but it was really quite an experience... we went back to villa after that, done some pack up and went to the main lobby, getting ready to departure... at 1pm (indonesia time), we are already on the shuttle bus to the jetty... it was a 2.30pm ferry... don't know why, i really tired and dozed off... it was 5pm (Singapore time) when we reached sg again... then we headed back home in a cab... when reached home, I done my usual stuff like surfing net and writing blogs and slept around 3am...
May 26, 2005
A Fruitful OG Gathering!
22/05/2005, Sunday
Today I had a hugely successful gathering with my 3 months JJC OG (Orientation Group) after months of trying... The attendance had been the best since I enlist, total of 7 participants:
1. Ngiap Hui aka Huige (our OG Leader, now waiting to enter NIE),
2. Josiah (开心果 of the group, now lost weight and going 2nd year Accountancy at NTU),
3. Ronnie (NSF Clerk, tuition teacher, getting married at the end of the year),
4. Minli ("mother" of our group, 3rd year Psychology undergrad at NUS, tuition teacher),
5. Joanna (a always cheerful girl, 3rd year SP Media Communication student)
6. Li Li (the ever "speechless" girl, 3rd year Arts and Social Science undergrad at NUS),
7. and of course Me (the organizer)
12noon, the proposed time to meet at Heeren Shops for lunch. But, (as expected), everyone message me that they will be late. Don't misunderstand, it's perfectly ok with me, because I am always late also... the best part I like about my OG friends is that they are so accomodating and 客气, unlike my other groups of friends. We can be known as misters and misses "anything". And also we enjoy each other's company a lot... Around 12.30pm, Josiah, Ronnie, Minli and me reached and went up to Billy Bombers 1st. Huige and Joanna came shortly. The food was quite cheap and nice and served in large quantities. I paid only $18.90++ for a set lunch. But the service is damm bad, I waited 40 mins for my main course I think. Nevertheless, we had a great conversation and laughter there. Update each other about our life recently and also joke about the reation we got when we heard that Ronnie is getting married.
By the time we finish lunch (actually left a lot), it's already 10 mins to 2pm. Then we rush down to Partyworld Orchard for KTV. Everyone there is well-versed in 1 kind of songs, Huige in Chinese songs, Ronnie in Cantonese Songs, Josiah in English Songs and Minli in high pitch songs. Joanna left us at 3pm plus and Li Li came at 4pm sharp, too bad they didn't meet each other... the KTV session ended at 6pm...
we then went over to TCC cafe at cineleisure for coffee and more talking... there are endless topic we can talk about... we talked until 7.30pm where li li and minli left us and the rest of us head down to Safra Mount Faber... Guess what we do...
we played mahjong!!! it's been months since my last mahjong session, my hands are getting itchy... the charges for the room is $5.25 per hour, we played 4 hours from 8pm to 12mn... it's a room with 3 mahjong tables, fully air-conditoned of course, mahjong set provided. it's my 1st time there, also the 1st time i played 两毛, 四毛... I was reluctant at 1st, but i gave in... surprisingly, i didn't lose much... after which, we went to the nearby pasar to have supper... we had some "Men's Talk" there, about BGR etc. Josiah began to ask this question, "Why our bond is still there after 5 years?", i agree with josiah a lot, it's because we are very accomodating towards each other and all of us cherish friendships a lot... me and huige left there at 1am plus in a cab... tomolo have to wake up early to go bintan... yawn...

Partyworld Orchard, (from left): Li Li, Minli, Ronnie, Josiah, Me

TCC Cafe at Cineleisure, (from left): Huige, Josiah, Li Li, Minli, Me, Ronnie

TCC Cafe at Cineleisure, (from left): Huige, Josiah, Li Li, Minli, Me, Ronnie
22/05/2005, Sunday
Today I had a hugely successful gathering with my 3 months JJC OG (Orientation Group) after months of trying... The attendance had been the best since I enlist, total of 7 participants:
1. Ngiap Hui aka Huige (our OG Leader, now waiting to enter NIE),
2. Josiah (开心果 of the group, now lost weight and going 2nd year Accountancy at NTU),
3. Ronnie (NSF Clerk, tuition teacher, getting married at the end of the year),
4. Minli ("mother" of our group, 3rd year Psychology undergrad at NUS, tuition teacher),
5. Joanna (a always cheerful girl, 3rd year SP Media Communication student)
6. Li Li (the ever "speechless" girl, 3rd year Arts and Social Science undergrad at NUS),
7. and of course Me (the organizer)
12noon, the proposed time to meet at Heeren Shops for lunch. But, (as expected), everyone message me that they will be late. Don't misunderstand, it's perfectly ok with me, because I am always late also... the best part I like about my OG friends is that they are so accomodating and 客气, unlike my other groups of friends. We can be known as misters and misses "anything". And also we enjoy each other's company a lot... Around 12.30pm, Josiah, Ronnie, Minli and me reached and went up to Billy Bombers 1st. Huige and Joanna came shortly. The food was quite cheap and nice and served in large quantities. I paid only $18.90++ for a set lunch. But the service is damm bad, I waited 40 mins for my main course I think. Nevertheless, we had a great conversation and laughter there. Update each other about our life recently and also joke about the reation we got when we heard that Ronnie is getting married.
By the time we finish lunch (actually left a lot), it's already 10 mins to 2pm. Then we rush down to Partyworld Orchard for KTV. Everyone there is well-versed in 1 kind of songs, Huige in Chinese songs, Ronnie in Cantonese Songs, Josiah in English Songs and Minli in high pitch songs. Joanna left us at 3pm plus and Li Li came at 4pm sharp, too bad they didn't meet each other... the KTV session ended at 6pm...
we then went over to TCC cafe at cineleisure for coffee and more talking... there are endless topic we can talk about... we talked until 7.30pm where li li and minli left us and the rest of us head down to Safra Mount Faber... Guess what we do...
we played mahjong!!! it's been months since my last mahjong session, my hands are getting itchy... the charges for the room is $5.25 per hour, we played 4 hours from 8pm to 12mn... it's a room with 3 mahjong tables, fully air-conditoned of course, mahjong set provided. it's my 1st time there, also the 1st time i played 两毛, 四毛... I was reluctant at 1st, but i gave in... surprisingly, i didn't lose much... after which, we went to the nearby pasar to have supper... we had some "Men's Talk" there, about BGR etc. Josiah began to ask this question, "Why our bond is still there after 5 years?", i agree with josiah a lot, it's because we are very accomodating towards each other and all of us cherish friendships a lot... me and huige left there at 1am plus in a cab... tomolo have to wake up early to go bintan... yawn...
Partyworld Orchard, (from left): Li Li, Minli, Ronnie, Josiah, Me
TCC Cafe at Cineleisure, (from left): Huige, Josiah, Li Li, Minli, Me, Ronnie
TCC Cafe at Cineleisure, (from left): Huige, Josiah, Li Li, Minli, Me, Ronnie
Star Wars! Join the Dark Side!
21/05/2005, Saturday
Book out late around 11am, because shift 3 had a quarrel with their PC (Platoon Commander). After which, went for a quick lunch at Tampines Bus Interchange food court. Then to Tampines Mall Sistic counter to help my brother buy tickets. Reached home around 2pm...
In the afternoon, met KT, YK and his brother and 1 of his friends to watch "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith" at PS. This show makes me finally understand the story of Star Wars, I think I am a Star Wars fan now... The fact that I am watching with my camp mates (who I see everyday) is that those people who initially promised to watch together now say don't want to watch, and also YK's friends are being recalled but the tickets are already booked. Helping friend and also get to see the movie, why not? Back to the movie, the movie is full of exciting fighting scences and fantastic special effects...
After the show, we went to BK for dinner where I got 2 Star Wars Tumbler (cup), ideal for my future hostel life at NTU. We had a good conversation at BK on the movie and also relate it to the situation at our camp. Our squadron is just like the Empire, lesser and lesser do the right things, thus more strange things happen and the "dark force" is overtaking the place. I really hope it will back to what it used to be after I leave this place in July and the newbies come. After which, we walked over to Sunshine Plaza (opp. Parklane) to look out for birthday present for our friend. Sunshine Plaza is an office building with a few shops selling huge collections of models and comics. (p.s. the fried wan ton mee there is delicious!) After a short walk, we went separate ways, I went to Bugis Junction. Had a walk at my usual hangout places, CD shops and Books Kinokuniya.
Reached home around 11pm, and finally finish watching <<蔷薇之恋>>, glad that it's a happy ending. Slept at 3am...
21/05/2005, Saturday
Book out late around 11am, because shift 3 had a quarrel with their PC (Platoon Commander). After which, went for a quick lunch at Tampines Bus Interchange food court. Then to Tampines Mall Sistic counter to help my brother buy tickets. Reached home around 2pm...
In the afternoon, met KT, YK and his brother and 1 of his friends to watch "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith" at PS. This show makes me finally understand the story of Star Wars, I think I am a Star Wars fan now... The fact that I am watching with my camp mates (who I see everyday) is that those people who initially promised to watch together now say don't want to watch, and also YK's friends are being recalled but the tickets are already booked. Helping friend and also get to see the movie, why not? Back to the movie, the movie is full of exciting fighting scences and fantastic special effects...
After the show, we went to BK for dinner where I got 2 Star Wars Tumbler (cup), ideal for my future hostel life at NTU. We had a good conversation at BK on the movie and also relate it to the situation at our camp. Our squadron is just like the Empire, lesser and lesser do the right things, thus more strange things happen and the "dark force" is overtaking the place. I really hope it will back to what it used to be after I leave this place in July and the newbies come. After which, we walked over to Sunshine Plaza (opp. Parklane) to look out for birthday present for our friend. Sunshine Plaza is an office building with a few shops selling huge collections of models and comics. (p.s. the fried wan ton mee there is delicious!) After a short walk, we went separate ways, I went to Bugis Junction. Had a walk at my usual hangout places, CD shops and Books Kinokuniya.
Reached home around 11pm, and finally finish watching <<蔷薇之恋>>, glad that it's a happy ending. Slept at 3am...
A terrible mount...
19/05/2005, Thursday to 20/05/2005, Friday
It has been a terrible mount... for the 1st 24 hours, I didn't even get 5 hours of sleep in TOTAL. Which means this 5 hours of sleep is not continuous. Most of us at base are "granted" 4 duties (the norm is 3 duties of 3 hours each) because of only 1 (aka satu or ONE) sick personnel. For the 2nd day, duties are relief because some on off had been recalled back. But on the 2nd day, a big investigation on the missing NVG (Night Vision Goggles) was conducted by the BIG shots (i.e. CO, OC, S3 and RSM). I was being called for questioning also. All our cupboards were also being searched and personnels on dismount (off) are also being recalled back. We were also being told that if the NVG is not found, we all have to stay in (i.e. confine)... the only good thing that happen this mount is that i got some signatures on my clearance form... Luckily, CO has more 人性 to let us book out on saturday morning...
19/05/2005, Thursday to 20/05/2005, Friday
It has been a terrible mount... for the 1st 24 hours, I didn't even get 5 hours of sleep in TOTAL. Which means this 5 hours of sleep is not continuous. Most of us at base are "granted" 4 duties (the norm is 3 duties of 3 hours each) because of only 1 (aka satu or ONE) sick personnel. For the 2nd day, duties are relief because some on off had been recalled back. But on the 2nd day, a big investigation on the missing NVG (Night Vision Goggles) was conducted by the BIG shots (i.e. CO, OC, S3 and RSM). I was being called for questioning also. All our cupboards were also being searched and personnels on dismount (off) are also being recalled back. We were also being told that if the NVG is not found, we all have to stay in (i.e. confine)... the only good thing that happen this mount is that i got some signatures on my clearance form... Luckily, CO has more 人性 to let us book out on saturday morning...
May 18, 2005
spent a fruitful saturday last week... morning go bank with my mother and brother, afternoon went for a very motivating business seminar at SP and then went to KTV with my primary school friends until 11pm plus... (ps. KBox is really ex!) really tired that say...
sunday, 15/05/2005 to monday 16/05/2005... went back camp for duties at merah... luckily nothing cock up... so duties quite slack... slept a lot... and watched a few epidsopes of <<神雕侠侣>>... revised a bit of maths... booked out on tuesday morning...
tuesday, 17/05/2005... met up with KT, YK and gilbert (camp mates) in evening... went bugis to look for KT's pouch... played a game of Para Para at BJ...
went to sunshine plaza (opp. parklane) where we saw a lot of fantastic and nice comic models such as Gundam and Doreamon (my favourite charater!), but bought nothing... then had dinner at a Wan Ton Mee shop there... delicious leh! after which went parklane for a while, looked at some guitars...
yesterday night watched drama series <<蔷薇之恋>> for the whole night until 3am... today continued to "chiong"... still left with 2 discs... sad... later in the night have to book in to standby...
sunday, 15/05/2005 to monday 16/05/2005... went back camp for duties at merah... luckily nothing cock up... so duties quite slack... slept a lot... and watched a few epidsopes of <<神雕侠侣>>... revised a bit of maths... booked out on tuesday morning...
tuesday, 17/05/2005... met up with KT, YK and gilbert (camp mates) in evening... went bugis to look for KT's pouch... played a game of Para Para at BJ...
went to sunshine plaza (opp. parklane) where we saw a lot of fantastic and nice comic models such as Gundam and Doreamon (my favourite charater!), but bought nothing... then had dinner at a Wan Ton Mee shop there... delicious leh! after which went parklane for a while, looked at some guitars...
yesterday night watched drama series <<蔷薇之恋>> for the whole night until 3am... today continued to "chiong"... still left with 2 discs... sad... later in the night have to book in to standby...
May 10, 2005
I know I haven't been updating my blog for a very very very very very very long time. I'm sorry, ok? Had been quite busy recently, and the real reson is I am TOO LAZY! i always give myself excuses, must change, must change... Ok, some update about me...
After the S.H.E concert, everyone say I am obssessed by by them, I know, ok? I am deeply impress by their performance. Pretty, good vocals, great 默契, 搞笑, adorable, unique characters, 不做作, they are all in one. from that time, i begin to back track to collect their past old CD albums (original, of course) and merchandises such as pictorial books (写真集) and books on their stories (文字书) and alarm clock... the sad thing is I cant find their old original MV DVDs, so I only bought the china versions (水货)... this search lasted for a few months, from searching island-wide CD shops to begging people to sell me their albums... recently, I am watching their drama <<蔷薇之恋>> (The Rose) on VCDs...
few days ago, my handphone service was disrupted, due to overdue bills, so cannot call out, but can receive calls and sms... sorry if I haven't been calling you... I still remember the last time my service is disrupted is in my poly days... but, no need to worry about me, the most i borrow $$$ from my mother again lor... so little money, yet so many things to pay for... wat to do? this is the reality of life... below is my wish list...
1. SONY NUDE EX Earphones ($80.90)
2. 512Mb MMC (Multi Media card) (around $88)
3. 梁静茹爱的大游行 Concert DVD ($27.90)
4. Digital Camera of > 3 megapixels and > 3X optical zoom
5. IRiver H10 MP3 Player (around $400)
I think it will be christmas when I fulfill my wish list, coz my financial problem is really BIG... btw, my disruption from NS was approved few weeks ago, so I will be studying computer engineering in NTU in July! yeah! Getting a degree has always been my goal... I cant wait to end my NS life, but that equals to no more income... so have to rely on my family again... BUT, according to my expenditure records, the pocket money I getting wont be enough, so I MUST find a part time job... preferably only on weekends, pay around $200 a month, but I don't want a waiter job... any Lobang, please contact me at 98799053 or , I'm serious about this...
Nowadays, I am going on with the motion of doing duties, mounting and dismounting, and waiting for my miserably in NS to end... I will be clearing leave end of June... 1 last thing, Don't forget to ask me out! I really want to do some catching up with old friends...
After the S.H.E concert, everyone say I am obssessed by by them, I know, ok? I am deeply impress by their performance. Pretty, good vocals, great 默契, 搞笑, adorable, unique characters, 不做作, they are all in one. from that time, i begin to back track to collect their past old CD albums (original, of course) and merchandises such as pictorial books (写真集) and books on their stories (文字书) and alarm clock... the sad thing is I cant find their old original MV DVDs, so I only bought the china versions (水货)... this search lasted for a few months, from searching island-wide CD shops to begging people to sell me their albums... recently, I am watching their drama <<蔷薇之恋>> (The Rose) on VCDs...
few days ago, my handphone service was disrupted, due to overdue bills, so cannot call out, but can receive calls and sms... sorry if I haven't been calling you... I still remember the last time my service is disrupted is in my poly days... but, no need to worry about me, the most i borrow $$$ from my mother again lor... so little money, yet so many things to pay for... wat to do? this is the reality of life... below is my wish list...
1. SONY NUDE EX Earphones ($80.90)
2. 512Mb MMC (Multi Media card) (around $88)
3. 梁静茹爱的大游行 Concert DVD ($27.90)
4. Digital Camera of > 3 megapixels and > 3X optical zoom
5. IRiver H10 MP3 Player (around $400)
I think it will be christmas when I fulfill my wish list, coz my financial problem is really BIG... btw, my disruption from NS was approved few weeks ago, so I will be studying computer engineering in NTU in July! yeah! Getting a degree has always been my goal... I cant wait to end my NS life, but that equals to no more income... so have to rely on my family again... BUT, according to my expenditure records, the pocket money I getting wont be enough, so I MUST find a part time job... preferably only on weekends, pay around $200 a month, but I don't want a waiter job... any Lobang, please contact me at 98799053 or , I'm serious about this...
Nowadays, I am going on with the motion of doing duties, mounting and dismounting, and waiting for my miserably in NS to end... I will be clearing leave end of June... 1 last thing, Don't forget to ask me out! I really want to do some catching up with old friends...
January 22, 2005
S.H.E Appreciation Autograph Session!
09/01/2005, Sunday
woke up early in the morning and went to S.H.E autograph session at IMM. Reach there at 11am, luckily they haven't give out the queue numbers, because the autograph is only limited to 1000 persons. Saw a few poly friends and my 2 cousins queuing up also. I go there alone, so I have to ask the ever-adorable Zhao Chen to help me buy lunch.
At around 12.15pm, they gave the queue numbers, i got 0618! so happy! tot that i will not get it at 1st, now my effort is not wasted!
After getting the queue number, we can walk around, this is a much better system then HMV autograph sessions, where u need to queue until the artist come, and don't even can can see the performance. I walked around to find the best spot to take photos. I finally settled down at a place and stood motionlessly there for hours.
S.H.E came around 3.05pm (which is only 5 minutes late) and the crowd start to be chaos, and I have to change spots to take photos. After a short performance of 痛快 , the autograpgh session started. They only sign their Encore DVD or VCD, so I have to used up my money again to the DVD. After which, went to the back of the queue (only those with queue number) to wait for my turn to go on stage to get the autograph. They look so pretty even in close distance. I even got the chance to shake their hands! so happy! after that, I didn't stay for very long, then went home...
After dinner, I on my computer to watch the S.H.E DVD I just bought while waiting for their performance on Ren Ci Charity Show. The <<金钟罩铁布衫>> MTV is hiliarous. Talk about the Ren Ci show, it's really touching that everyone helped to do push ups at the end of the show. But 林明伦 and 陈之财 is too arrogant to say that they can do 2000 push ups themselves. After some surfing, went to sleep...
09/01/2005, Sunday
woke up early in the morning and went to S.H.E autograph session at IMM. Reach there at 11am, luckily they haven't give out the queue numbers, because the autograph is only limited to 1000 persons. Saw a few poly friends and my 2 cousins queuing up also. I go there alone, so I have to ask the ever-adorable Zhao Chen to help me buy lunch.
At around 12.15pm, they gave the queue numbers, i got 0618! so happy! tot that i will not get it at 1st, now my effort is not wasted!
After getting the queue number, we can walk around, this is a much better system then HMV autograph sessions, where u need to queue until the artist come, and don't even can can see the performance. I walked around to find the best spot to take photos. I finally settled down at a place and stood motionlessly there for hours.
S.H.E came around 3.05pm (which is only 5 minutes late) and the crowd start to be chaos, and I have to change spots to take photos. After a short performance of 痛快 , the autograpgh session started. They only sign their Encore DVD or VCD, so I have to used up my money again to the DVD. After which, went to the back of the queue (only those with queue number) to wait for my turn to go on stage to get the autograph. They look so pretty even in close distance. I even got the chance to shake their hands! so happy! after that, I didn't stay for very long, then went home...
After dinner, I on my computer to watch the S.H.E DVD I just bought while waiting for their performance on Ren Ci Charity Show. The <<金钟罩铁布衫>> MTV is hiliarous. Talk about the Ren Ci show, it's really touching that everyone helped to do push ups at the end of the show. But 林明伦 and 陈之财 is too arrogant to say that they can do 2000 push ups themselves. After some surfing, went to sleep...
S.H.E 奇幻樂園演唱會 (Fantasy Land Tour Concert)!!!
08/01/2005, Saturday
The day I had been waiting for months, really look forward to the concert...
6am, back to flight after a duty. Wah lau! got 1/2 day off still need to do 2 duties, 6 hours straight from 9am to 3pm! that means can only sleep 3 hours... haiz...
during duty at echo 7, luckily we are given a break to go lunch, or else i will be bored to death... 2pm, mobilisation activated, those not in camp has to report back base in 2 hours. 3pm, duty ended, back to flight. but they say have to wait for the mobilisation to finish. Aiyo, still have to collect digi cam from my brother at City Hall, where got time? 4.30pm, turnout activated and we kanna knock it down. Because they ask for volunteers and nobody turn up, 4get it, dun wish to elaborate. Everything ended around 4.45pm and I finally book out...
Luckily, i bought civilian clothes, so intended to go there directly, but have to go City Hall 1st to collect digi cam. Reached City Hall around 6.15pm, changed clothes, met my brother at the Arts House (he's having a play there), then, took a bus to near National Statium... LG and HQ still haven come, so I intended to have dinner at Leisure Park Shopping Centre, but was shocked that there is empty!!! Food, food, I need FOOD! damm hungry and tired at that point of time, but still have to walk long distance to Indoor Stadium. Reached there around 7.15pm. Finally found some food by the river side. The bee hoon is ka na sai (but still have to eat), but drumstick taste good. But LG and HQ still haven come. It's about 7.45pm that they come...
the concert started at 8.30pm. My 1st concert! the atmosphere is great! The starting was great! The concert consists of an amazing 30 songs. It's really impressive that they can see 4 to 5 songs non-stop at 1 time, and yet quality don't drop. Some more they sang some with dance moves! They changed a few costumes during the concert, I like the European dress the best. In the middle of the concert, they showed video clips of their memorable moments, which really shows how much they have changed... But Ella is still ever so jovial. Hebe is ever so adorable and talkative. And Selina is ever so sweet... And they can even gossip among themselves, which i think no artist will do that, but that is their true self I think. And it's also very sweet of them to sing birthday song to a crew member. And their voice is so powerful that I can even hear them sing LIVE during the 4-times malfunction of sound system, they even repeated a song because of that! And although they sometimes will forget lyrics, but they insisted on singing LIVE, unlike the lips-synching 5566. But a great disadvantage is that the stage is 4-sided, which means sometimes we only see their back or side. Overall, the concert was great with their perfect 默契 (which show their friendship) and they interact with us a lot to bring a fun night to us. But Indoor Statium really have to retify the sound system, because I heard Jolin's concert also like that... The concert around 11.10pm after 2 encore songs. We caught the last train and went home...
p.s. really look forward to their next LIVE performance... and realise I got addicted to them!
08/01/2005, Saturday
The day I had been waiting for months, really look forward to the concert...
6am, back to flight after a duty. Wah lau! got 1/2 day off still need to do 2 duties, 6 hours straight from 9am to 3pm! that means can only sleep 3 hours... haiz...
during duty at echo 7, luckily we are given a break to go lunch, or else i will be bored to death... 2pm, mobilisation activated, those not in camp has to report back base in 2 hours. 3pm, duty ended, back to flight. but they say have to wait for the mobilisation to finish. Aiyo, still have to collect digi cam from my brother at City Hall, where got time? 4.30pm, turnout activated and we kanna knock it down. Because they ask for volunteers and nobody turn up, 4get it, dun wish to elaborate. Everything ended around 4.45pm and I finally book out...
Luckily, i bought civilian clothes, so intended to go there directly, but have to go City Hall 1st to collect digi cam. Reached City Hall around 6.15pm, changed clothes, met my brother at the Arts House (he's having a play there), then, took a bus to near National Statium... LG and HQ still haven come, so I intended to have dinner at Leisure Park Shopping Centre, but was shocked that there is empty!!! Food, food, I need FOOD! damm hungry and tired at that point of time, but still have to walk long distance to Indoor Stadium. Reached there around 7.15pm. Finally found some food by the river side. The bee hoon is ka na sai (but still have to eat), but drumstick taste good. But LG and HQ still haven come. It's about 7.45pm that they come...
the concert started at 8.30pm. My 1st concert! the atmosphere is great! The starting was great! The concert consists of an amazing 30 songs. It's really impressive that they can see 4 to 5 songs non-stop at 1 time, and yet quality don't drop. Some more they sang some with dance moves! They changed a few costumes during the concert, I like the European dress the best. In the middle of the concert, they showed video clips of their memorable moments, which really shows how much they have changed... But Ella is still ever so jovial. Hebe is ever so adorable and talkative. And Selina is ever so sweet... And they can even gossip among themselves, which i think no artist will do that, but that is their true self I think. And it's also very sweet of them to sing birthday song to a crew member. And their voice is so powerful that I can even hear them sing LIVE during the 4-times malfunction of sound system, they even repeated a song because of that! And although they sometimes will forget lyrics, but they insisted on singing LIVE, unlike the lips-synching 5566. But a great disadvantage is that the stage is 4-sided, which means sometimes we only see their back or side. Overall, the concert was great with their perfect 默契 (which show their friendship) and they interact with us a lot to bring a fun night to us. But Indoor Statium really have to retify the sound system, because I heard Jolin's concert also like that... The concert around 11.10pm after 2 encore songs. We caught the last train and went home...
p.s. really look forward to their next LIVE performance... and realise I got addicted to them!
January 21, 2005
January 19, 2005
Liang's operation...
05/01/2005, Wednesday
Have to wake up early for another duty 6am to 9am. During this period, CAF (Chief of Air Force) came to take a flight to don't-know-where. Luckily he didn't bypass us.
Then. in the middle of duty, being called back to service my rifle. The armourer says my charging handle got problem, but it looks OK to me leh! After which, book out around 10am. Called liang about his operation, he said he's ok and discharging soon but he sounded weak.. maybe i should go visit him these few days...
After sleeping a while at home, paying bills and donation to tsuami victims using internet banking, I went to HMV again because I just got my ERS! hehe... After considering, I got myself a Sun Yan Zi 2004 Concert DVD and a S.H.E 2004 Concert DVD (to get a preview on what I will se this saturday), both at unbelievable price of $10.95. There's also a CLEAROUT sale there, VCDs selling from $4.95 and CDs from $0.95! But most of them not really worth buying...
went home around 9pm. watch TV, surf net, and watched S.H.E DVD. Very exciting performance. But the sound recording not so good. Slept at 2am...
Visiting Liang...
06/01/2005, Thursday
8am, back to base for standby. Done an Echo 2 duty from 12noon to 3pm (1st time doing this duty as this emplacement is usually closed). After duty, done some area cleaning and book out at 4pm plus...
Then, went liang's house with Noel. Liang was having a quite high fever, over 38 degree celsius. But his father is ther to take care of him... so we spent out time there until 8pm. Went to Holland V to buy some food. And then went home. On the computer, surf some net, and downloaded Lee Hom's newest album <<心中的日月>>. Intended to do some blogging, but fell asleep in the end...
Strange Duty...
07/01/2005, Friday
8am, back to base again. Supposingly going outpost, but being planned to stay in base because I'm taking 1/2 day off tomolo for S.H.E Concert! But heard that tomolo got mobilisation, hope it wont affect my concert...
1st duty of the day, Echo 6 from 9am to noon. Then, woke up at 4.45pm by a strange announcement, "5-9 duty personnels please draw items!". What the heck! have to takeover 1 hour earlier because the people doing duty is dismounting at 5pm. But seargeant let us be takeover at 8.30pm, so everyone only do half hour extra. Morning still got duty from 3am to 6am...
05/01/2005, Wednesday
Have to wake up early for another duty 6am to 9am. During this period, CAF (Chief of Air Force) came to take a flight to don't-know-where. Luckily he didn't bypass us.
Then. in the middle of duty, being called back to service my rifle. The armourer says my charging handle got problem, but it looks OK to me leh! After which, book out around 10am. Called liang about his operation, he said he's ok and discharging soon but he sounded weak.. maybe i should go visit him these few days...
After sleeping a while at home, paying bills and donation to tsuami victims using internet banking, I went to HMV again because I just got my ERS! hehe... After considering, I got myself a Sun Yan Zi 2004 Concert DVD and a S.H.E 2004 Concert DVD (to get a preview on what I will se this saturday), both at unbelievable price of $10.95. There's also a CLEAROUT sale there, VCDs selling from $4.95 and CDs from $0.95! But most of them not really worth buying...
went home around 9pm. watch TV, surf net, and watched S.H.E DVD. Very exciting performance. But the sound recording not so good. Slept at 2am...
Visiting Liang...
06/01/2005, Thursday
8am, back to base for standby. Done an Echo 2 duty from 12noon to 3pm (1st time doing this duty as this emplacement is usually closed). After duty, done some area cleaning and book out at 4pm plus...
Then, went liang's house with Noel. Liang was having a quite high fever, over 38 degree celsius. But his father is ther to take care of him... so we spent out time there until 8pm. Went to Holland V to buy some food. And then went home. On the computer, surf some net, and downloaded Lee Hom's newest album <<心中的日月>>. Intended to do some blogging, but fell asleep in the end...
Strange Duty...
07/01/2005, Friday
8am, back to base again. Supposingly going outpost, but being planned to stay in base because I'm taking 1/2 day off tomolo for S.H.E Concert! But heard that tomolo got mobilisation, hope it wont affect my concert...
1st duty of the day, Echo 6 from 9am to noon. Then, woke up at 4.45pm by a strange announcement, "5-9 duty personnels please draw items!". What the heck! have to takeover 1 hour earlier because the people doing duty is dismounting at 5pm. But seargeant let us be takeover at 8.30pm, so everyone only do half hour extra. Morning still got duty from 3am to 6am...
January 18, 2005
A New Beginning...
01/01/2005, Saturday, New Year's Day
Today is a new year, a new beginning. But come to think of it, it's just another day, 1 day nearer to ORD. However, I am glad that I am given this day to live on, while my uncle can't even...
The takeover came late at 11am plus because ICT Driver 出 stunt again (i.e. Missing in Action). After send arms etc. we book out near to noon.
Reach home around 2pm. Slept for a while. Then went out in the evening. Went to Orcahrd to photostat my acceptance letter (to NTU), then to HMV to checkout new CDs. Had dinner at KFC, and went home. Done some blogging until 2am and slept...
Boring day...
02/01/2005, Sunday
Basically spent the whole day at the computer. And watch a TV show, 卫斯里之蓝血人. And slept at 2am plus...
Crazy guy at 欢乐颠峰...
03/01/2005, Monday
Back to base after 2 days of zhou boing... Today doing duty at base, duties kept changing and changing because tomolo's VVIP's Flight. And finally hand in my application for disruption from NS (in order to go NTU earlier). Also saw a crazy guy performing on 欢乐颠峰...
PM's Flight...
04/01/2005, Tuesday
Early in morning have to wake up at 4.45am. Because Prime Minister is coming to take a flight, and all the defence minister and chiefs are coming. So our 100% check hours are extended from 0530 to 0815. The Defence MInister is escorted by a car of police officers while the Prime Minister have 4 cars and a traffic police with him! Before the flight, there is even EOD (Explosive Ordances Department) personnels to check the planes for bombs. Then, in the afternoon, do 3pm to 7pm Golf duty.
Duty change again, we have to do 9pm to midnight emplacement duty. During this time, we saw the PM coming back from Indonesia (Tsunami Area). The flight reached around 11.15pm, but they talked until midnight when the PM left...
01/01/2005, Saturday, New Year's Day
Today is a new year, a new beginning. But come to think of it, it's just another day, 1 day nearer to ORD. However, I am glad that I am given this day to live on, while my uncle can't even...
The takeover came late at 11am plus because ICT Driver 出 stunt again (i.e. Missing in Action). After send arms etc. we book out near to noon.
Reach home around 2pm. Slept for a while. Then went out in the evening. Went to Orcahrd to photostat my acceptance letter (to NTU), then to HMV to checkout new CDs. Had dinner at KFC, and went home. Done some blogging until 2am and slept...
Boring day...
02/01/2005, Sunday
Basically spent the whole day at the computer. And watch a TV show, 卫斯里之蓝血人. And slept at 2am plus...
Crazy guy at 欢乐颠峰...
03/01/2005, Monday
Back to base after 2 days of zhou boing... Today doing duty at base, duties kept changing and changing because tomolo's VVIP's Flight. And finally hand in my application for disruption from NS (in order to go NTU earlier). Also saw a crazy guy performing on 欢乐颠峰...
PM's Flight...
04/01/2005, Tuesday
Early in morning have to wake up at 4.45am. Because Prime Minister is coming to take a flight, and all the defence minister and chiefs are coming. So our 100% check hours are extended from 0530 to 0815. The Defence MInister is escorted by a car of police officers while the Prime Minister have 4 cars and a traffic police with him! Before the flight, there is even EOD (Explosive Ordances Department) personnels to check the planes for bombs. Then, in the afternoon, do 3pm to 7pm Golf duty.
Duty change again, we have to do 9pm to midnight emplacement duty. During this time, we saw the PM coming back from Indonesia (Tsunami Area). The flight reached around 11.15pm, but they talked until midnight when the PM left...
Fish & Co.!!! my favourite restaurant...
29/12/2004, Wednesday
back to base for standby after a long break (or should i say 5 tiring days). At times, I will still recall night when my uncle passed away, i will be a bit depress. My mother rule for me. That is I'm not allowed to watch movie during "三七" (21 days after he passed away). It's a custom she sayby right we can't even have any form of entertainment. But i bet no other relatives comply with this...
Base duties are as per normal. Done 1 duty and book out at 5pm. then went Fish & Co. with my camp mates... People present are KT, LG, ZW, YK and me... I had an Fish & Chips as I am running out of cash. (Where's my ERS???). Reach home quite late that night, about 8pm, I think... Catch up with some blogging and slept...
Why I do extra duty again?
30/12/2004, Thursday
Today is my uncle's "头七", but I try not to think about it... Dispute come again when comes to who go Merah. Someone actually change duties behind someone's back. And it's own shift people! This place (FDS) had been filled with selfishness and hypocrites I think (I'm not saying I'm not 1 of them, but at least do things in a sensible way mah...). Nevermind, drop the topic, hope i can leave this shit place soon...
Anyway, I went Merah for duty again. Only 5 people, so someone have to do extra duty again, that's me... Basically do duty from 10am to 6pm. Then have to get up next morning for duty...
Last day of the year, ending of misery???
31/12/2004, Friday, New Year's Eve
What a day, this is my 1st time staying in camp on New Year's Eve. Done duty from 7am to 6pm. But waiting for my order from Changi V(Village) to come. I ordered 鸡扒面 (Cutlet Noodle) with extra 炸云吞 (Fried Wan Ton), but it turn out to be 鸡扒面 plus 云吞面 due to some cock up in the order. Nobody wanted the 云吞面, so I had both the 鸡扒面 and 云吞面. My buddy got the same thing... After which, waited for the countdown. During this time, we had a good talk with the driver there. He's a guy who just married at the age of 22, and he's filty rich, but not arrogant about it...
The clock strike 12 midnight. It's a New Year! We pressed the turnout bell to celebrate (only today we are allow to press for fun). Then, waited for my second order of ice kacang to come. Slept at 2am.
29/12/2004, Wednesday
back to base for standby after a long break (or should i say 5 tiring days). At times, I will still recall night when my uncle passed away, i will be a bit depress. My mother rule for me. That is I'm not allowed to watch movie during "三七" (21 days after he passed away). It's a custom she sayby right we can't even have any form of entertainment. But i bet no other relatives comply with this...
Base duties are as per normal. Done 1 duty and book out at 5pm. then went Fish & Co. with my camp mates... People present are KT, LG, ZW, YK and me... I had an Fish & Chips as I am running out of cash. (Where's my ERS???). Reach home quite late that night, about 8pm, I think... Catch up with some blogging and slept...
Why I do extra duty again?
30/12/2004, Thursday
Today is my uncle's "头七", but I try not to think about it... Dispute come again when comes to who go Merah. Someone actually change duties behind someone's back. And it's own shift people! This place (FDS) had been filled with selfishness and hypocrites I think (I'm not saying I'm not 1 of them, but at least do things in a sensible way mah...). Nevermind, drop the topic, hope i can leave this shit place soon...
Anyway, I went Merah for duty again. Only 5 people, so someone have to do extra duty again, that's me... Basically do duty from 10am to 6pm. Then have to get up next morning for duty...
Last day of the year, ending of misery???
31/12/2004, Friday, New Year's Eve
What a day, this is my 1st time staying in camp on New Year's Eve. Done duty from 7am to 6pm. But waiting for my order from Changi V(Village) to come. I ordered 鸡扒面 (Cutlet Noodle) with extra 炸云吞 (Fried Wan Ton), but it turn out to be 鸡扒面 plus 云吞面 due to some cock up in the order. Nobody wanted the 云吞面, so I had both the 鸡扒面 and 云吞面. My buddy got the same thing... After which, waited for the countdown. During this time, we had a good talk with the driver there. He's a guy who just married at the age of 22, and he's filty rich, but not arrogant about it...
The clock strike 12 midnight. It's a New Year! We pressed the turnout bell to celebrate (only today we are allow to press for fun). Then, waited for my second order of ice kacang to come. Slept at 2am.
January 14, 2005
January 13, 2005
26/12/2004, Sunday, Boxing Day, 3rd day of Funeral
Got an off today, no need book in... Reached Punggol around 3pm, continued to fold incense per. It's like never ending... 6pm, we had some dinner there together (cook at the funeral by some caterers), the dishes are good... we left in my father's friend pick up at around 10pm plus...
27/12/2004, Monday, 4th day of Funeral
reach punggol around 11am. today, there will be 2 ceremony (打斋) at 4pm and 7pm. After lunch (frfied kway teow). we started to fold some towels, it's good that there isn't much... the towels are gifts to the friends and relatives tomolo (it's part of the custom), A ceremony started around 4pm, but that only involve my uncle's children and daughter-in-law... Then around 5pm , the paper-made 3-storey bungalow, car, mini-hifi, TV and karaoke set came. And my father they all started to jot down the 4D numbers. The ceremony ended around 6pm. Then, we had dinner there (cooked by the caterers also), and waited for another ceremony to start. While waiting, 2 of my cousins and me went to refill the kerosene lamp at the main road. I almost forgot how to operate the lamp!
After much waiting, the ceremony started around 8pm. The whole family (except 3 members) are in white T-shirts, with head dress and belts in 4 different colours, matt, black, cream and blue. Matt dress are for immediate family members (i.e. his children and daughter-in-law). Black colour are for siblings and siblings' spouse (i.e. my father, mother, uncles and aunties). cream colour are for nephews and nieces on the on the father side, blue are for the mother side. I wear the cream colur.
The ceremony involve a lot of chanting, walking around a lot of times, and crossing a metal bridge. It ended past 11am, with a 15 minutes break in the middle. And there's even police who came to give us warning. After the ceremony, we brought all the "house", "car", "hi-fi", "chest", bags of incense paper to the carpark to burn (wonder if police will summon us or not?) Then we form a circle and kneel down and start hitting the ground with bamboo sticks until the whole burning finish. It's very late when everything ended, so most of us stay over that night...
The Crementation
28/12/2004, Tuesday, 5th day of Funeral
woke up around 8am. Had some breakfast. Then put on the same costume as yesterday. 11am, a band arrived with lots of gongs (20 over) and drums. They started to play for some time, then the relatives and friends pay respect, and loaded the coffin to the car. We started to walk the "last journey" with him. The route is from the funeral venue to the main road, about 150 metres (we walk with socks on only). After which, we boarded a bus to send us to the crementorium.
We reach the Mandai Crementorium and Columborium in no time. It's a new crementation facility, everything is new. He's crementated at 12.45pm, everyone cried. After which, we wear back our shoes and board the bus and head towards another columborium at sengkang where his ashes will be placed. After paying respect, the funeral organiser helped us remove the 孝
After that, we change back to our original clothes and boarded the bus back to the funeral. We had our lunch there and left around 3pm...
Got an off today, no need book in... Reached Punggol around 3pm, continued to fold incense per. It's like never ending... 6pm, we had some dinner there together (cook at the funeral by some caterers), the dishes are good... we left in my father's friend pick up at around 10pm plus...
27/12/2004, Monday, 4th day of Funeral
reach punggol around 11am. today, there will be 2 ceremony (打斋) at 4pm and 7pm. After lunch (frfied kway teow). we started to fold some towels, it's good that there isn't much... the towels are gifts to the friends and relatives tomolo (it's part of the custom), A ceremony started around 4pm, but that only involve my uncle's children and daughter-in-law... Then around 5pm , the paper-made 3-storey bungalow, car, mini-hifi, TV and karaoke set came. And my father they all started to jot down the 4D numbers. The ceremony ended around 6pm. Then, we had dinner there (cooked by the caterers also), and waited for another ceremony to start. While waiting, 2 of my cousins and me went to refill the kerosene lamp at the main road. I almost forgot how to operate the lamp!
After much waiting, the ceremony started around 8pm. The whole family (except 3 members) are in white T-shirts, with head dress and belts in 4 different colours, matt, black, cream and blue. Matt dress are for immediate family members (i.e. his children and daughter-in-law). Black colour are for siblings and siblings' spouse (i.e. my father, mother, uncles and aunties). cream colour are for nephews and nieces on the on the father side, blue are for the mother side. I wear the cream colur.
The ceremony involve a lot of chanting, walking around a lot of times, and crossing a metal bridge. It ended past 11am, with a 15 minutes break in the middle. And there's even police who came to give us warning. After the ceremony, we brought all the "house", "car", "hi-fi", "chest", bags of incense paper to the carpark to burn (wonder if police will summon us or not?) Then we form a circle and kneel down and start hitting the ground with bamboo sticks until the whole burning finish. It's very late when everything ended, so most of us stay over that night...
The Crementation
28/12/2004, Tuesday, 5th day of Funeral
woke up around 8am. Had some breakfast. Then put on the same costume as yesterday. 11am, a band arrived with lots of gongs (20 over) and drums. They started to play for some time, then the relatives and friends pay respect, and loaded the coffin to the car. We started to walk the "last journey" with him. The route is from the funeral venue to the main road, about 150 metres (we walk with socks on only). After which, we boarded a bus to send us to the crementorium.
We reach the Mandai Crementorium and Columborium in no time. It's a new crementation facility, everything is new. He's crementated at 12.45pm, everyone cried. After which, we wear back our shoes and board the bus and head towards another columborium at sengkang where his ashes will be placed. After paying respect, the funeral organiser helped us remove the 孝
After that, we change back to our original clothes and boarded the bus back to the funeral. We had our lunch there and left around 3pm...
January 10, 2005
a different Christmas...
25/12/2004, Saturday, Christmas' Day, 2nd day of Funeral
Today is christmas' day but nobody is in mood to celebrate. (but actually I don't celebrate because I'm not a christian). This is the 2nd day of funeral (yesterday is considered 1 day), according to customs, funerals are held for 5 days, which is until tuesday.
woke up early at 5am plus, we have to reach by 8am plus. When we reach there, the body is still not inside the coffin and the whole place is not completely set up... my mother told me that I have take leave for monday and tuesday. Since it's this case, I might as well tale leave for sunday and monday as tuesday is my dismount day. so I applied off from PC for the next 2 days.
At around 10am, the funeral organizers came to setup the place and held the ceremony to place the body in the coffin. We are not allowed to see the ceremony as the funeral organizer says, only his children and daughter-in-law are involved. Then we put on the "孝" (the piece of cloth on the left arm to indicate a relative's death). As the "inside" or father-side nephew, I got the cream colour. My father, mother, uncles and aunties got black colour, my other side cousins(grandmother's daughter's children) got blue colour. And obviously his sons, daughters and daughter-in-law wears matt cloth. I can't remember the last time I wear this because the last time is when my "Ah Gong" (grandfather) died 20 years ago, when i am 1 year and 1 months old. Me and my brother went home around noon since there is nothing much to do...
Afternoon, reach home around 2pm. Surf a little, sms christmas wishes and watch <<白變金鋼>> on TV. Don't even have time to sleep, 5.30pm have to go back to the funeral.
6pm, reach Clementi with my brother to fetch his girlfriend. Then 3 of us headed back to the funeral at Punggol. On the way, my brother lend me a business book to read, named "The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life", quite interesting book...
Reached the funeral around 8pm. saw a lot of visitors. It's then i realise funeral is actually as easy as it seems, there's a lot of things to be done. set up tables, serve visitors, emoty rubbish and the main thing is there's mountains of incense paper to fold. We left around 11pm in my father's friend van...
25/12/2004, Saturday, Christmas' Day, 2nd day of Funeral
Today is christmas' day but nobody is in mood to celebrate. (but actually I don't celebrate because I'm not a christian). This is the 2nd day of funeral (yesterday is considered 1 day), according to customs, funerals are held for 5 days, which is until tuesday.
woke up early at 5am plus, we have to reach by 8am plus. When we reach there, the body is still not inside the coffin and the whole place is not completely set up... my mother told me that I have take leave for monday and tuesday. Since it's this case, I might as well tale leave for sunday and monday as tuesday is my dismount day. so I applied off from PC for the next 2 days.
At around 10am, the funeral organizers came to setup the place and held the ceremony to place the body in the coffin. We are not allowed to see the ceremony as the funeral organizer says, only his children and daughter-in-law are involved. Then we put on the "孝" (the piece of cloth on the left arm to indicate a relative's death). As the "inside" or father-side nephew, I got the cream colour. My father, mother, uncles and aunties got black colour, my other side cousins(grandmother's daughter's children) got blue colour. And obviously his sons, daughters and daughter-in-law wears matt cloth. I can't remember the last time I wear this because the last time is when my "Ah Gong" (grandfather) died 20 years ago, when i am 1 year and 1 months old. Me and my brother went home around noon since there is nothing much to do...
Afternoon, reach home around 2pm. Surf a little, sms christmas wishes and watch <<白變金鋼>> on TV. Don't even have time to sleep, 5.30pm have to go back to the funeral.
6pm, reach Clementi with my brother to fetch his girlfriend. Then 3 of us headed back to the funeral at Punggol. On the way, my brother lend me a business book to read, named "The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life", quite interesting book...
Reached the funeral around 8pm. saw a lot of visitors. It's then i realise funeral is actually as easy as it seems, there's a lot of things to be done. set up tables, serve visitors, emoty rubbish and the main thing is there's mountains of incense paper to fold. We left around 11pm in my father's friend van...
a very sad day for the family...
24/12/2004, Friday, Christmas' Eve
today had been a very sad day for my family, please read to the end of the blog...
today is our standby day, we suppose to book out at 5pm, but base comd (commander) gave half day off, so we book out at noon...
back at home in the afternoon, intending to watch "Kungfu Hustle" with my poly pals in the evening. My mother had been telling me to visit my uncle in hospital, but being rebeliious (and some-sort unfillial) son, I decided to leave it to tomolo morning. spent the whole after watching Yanzi's DVD and surfing when we receive a call that my uncle has changed to another bed (that means condition worsened)... it's 4pm at that time... my father rush to hospital immediately. thinking that it's not so serious, my mother took her own sweet time to prepare to go out. Then, we leave home about 6pm and reached NUH with my brother at 6.15pm...
the condition is not as good as we expected, my uncle (father's elder brother) was breathing vigously with lots of equipment beside him. The doctor says his whole artery is blocked and it's beyond cure. We could only wait for "his time to come". Almost my whole family come to visit him including my grandmother. We can only watch and hope that his condition will be better and he will wake up... I have to cancel my appointment with my poly friends... from time to time, my cousins (my uncle's children), his wife and my grandmother (and my brother) will say "Wake up, wake up!" in teochew...
at 8pm plus, he breath more smoothly, and we started going down for dinner in batches. We were eating half-way when I received a call from my father saying that my uncle stopped breathing! We immediately rushed back to the ward. The doctor is still not there. Everyone start crying and shouting, even myself. The inprofessional doctor only came half hour later... He was declared dead in front of me... Tears started to fall. My cousin nearly fainted. I will never forget this scence. It's so shocking that a person talking actively just 2 weeks ago, was now lying dead in front me... But there are things still need to be done. Documents to file, washing up and dressing up him, and arrangements for the funeral. We left around 10pm...
my uncle was a very active person. Travels a lot and gets involved in union's activities. And also very positive thinking. Also sings karaoke frequently. Nobody expected he to pass away so early and so sudden. The good thing is he didn't leave much regrets, all his children are degree holders and her eldest daughter even hold a Master, he just granted his wish of going back to Teochew (China) and his son just got married. What more can a man wish for?
p.s. thanks A LOT to all who have to send in the condolences and concern. Really thanks a lot...
24/12/2004, Friday, Christmas' Eve
today had been a very sad day for my family, please read to the end of the blog...
today is our standby day, we suppose to book out at 5pm, but base comd (commander) gave half day off, so we book out at noon...
back at home in the afternoon, intending to watch "Kungfu Hustle" with my poly pals in the evening. My mother had been telling me to visit my uncle in hospital, but being rebeliious (and some-sort unfillial) son, I decided to leave it to tomolo morning. spent the whole after watching Yanzi's DVD and surfing when we receive a call that my uncle has changed to another bed (that means condition worsened)... it's 4pm at that time... my father rush to hospital immediately. thinking that it's not so serious, my mother took her own sweet time to prepare to go out. Then, we leave home about 6pm and reached NUH with my brother at 6.15pm...
the condition is not as good as we expected, my uncle (father's elder brother) was breathing vigously with lots of equipment beside him. The doctor says his whole artery is blocked and it's beyond cure. We could only wait for "his time to come". Almost my whole family come to visit him including my grandmother. We can only watch and hope that his condition will be better and he will wake up... I have to cancel my appointment with my poly friends... from time to time, my cousins (my uncle's children), his wife and my grandmother (and my brother) will say "Wake up, wake up!" in teochew...
at 8pm plus, he breath more smoothly, and we started going down for dinner in batches. We were eating half-way when I received a call from my father saying that my uncle stopped breathing! We immediately rushed back to the ward. The doctor is still not there. Everyone start crying and shouting, even myself. The inprofessional doctor only came half hour later... He was declared dead in front of me... Tears started to fall. My cousin nearly fainted. I will never forget this scence. It's so shocking that a person talking actively just 2 weeks ago, was now lying dead in front me... But there are things still need to be done. Documents to file, washing up and dressing up him, and arrangements for the funeral. We left around 10pm...
my uncle was a very active person. Travels a lot and gets involved in union's activities. And also very positive thinking. Also sings karaoke frequently. Nobody expected he to pass away so early and so sudden. The good thing is he didn't leave much regrets, all his children are degree holders and her eldest daughter even hold a Master, he just granted his wish of going back to Teochew (China) and his son just got married. What more can a man wish for?
p.s. thanks A LOT to all who have to send in the condolences and concern. Really thanks a lot...
January 03, 2005
shopping with my mother...
21/12/2004, Tuesday, "Dong Zhi"
back in at 8am. Today have to standby, which means come back 8 to 5 only. The initial plan (planned by S3) is to have trianing on standby days... but how to have training when there's a serious manpower shortage? so in the end, we have to help the mounting shift do 1 duty, mine is from 12noon to 3pm...
Let me share with you a very special and meaningful article I saw in Digital Life (The Straits Times). There's a woman named Grace Chow who had a brain tumour and kept a blog in the last 11 days of her life ( it's so amazing that a person who don't have energy on half of her body has to the ability to type a blog, even when she's dying. It's so admirable and inspiring that she look at life in a positive way even when she's dying...
"The enthusiam to believe that I will get better is based on the reluctance to think about the concept of death.
You do not comfort me with your assurance that I won't die, because escaping death is not what I'm longing for. What I'm longing for is for you to understand what death is. Look it in the eye and see it for what it is. And then you'll see that undestanding death is the only one and true liberation." - Grace Chow
After the duties, we did area cleaning. And then PC Ho announce the new system that we have to report to 1 sergeant for anything, and go by the chain of command, something like the infantry style. And he also say that shift 4 will be permanent (I'm originally from shift 2), which I don't want it to happen. I had enough of shift 4, there's people hating each other, eating (push responsibility) each other, and there's zero co-operation and teamwork. A bit sad upon hearing this news, but have to accept the fact...
Later in the evening, met up with my mother at 8pm at Bukit Merah Central. She want me to bring her to see doctor for her "rotten" leg (some skin problem). The clinic is quite ulu ulu, and we are their today's 1st customer! But nevermind, it's free anyway, because it's part of my father's company medical welfare. After which, accompany my mother to shop around that area. Anyway, hasn't been to there for over 1 year! There's a special stage set-up for senior citizens to sing KTV, quite interesting... And got a sale of 2nd hand books outside NTUC Fairprice. And by the way, today is "Dong Zhi" (translation: end of winter), the festival to eat rice ball (Tan Yuan). So my mother bought some Tan Yuan "for the Gods". went home around 10pm, when my mother finally stopped shopping (because the shops are closed)... Pray to "Da Bo Gong", wat GuessX3, done some blogging and then slept at 3am... yawn...
21/12/2004, Tuesday, "Dong Zhi"
back in at 8am. Today have to standby, which means come back 8 to 5 only. The initial plan (planned by S3) is to have trianing on standby days... but how to have training when there's a serious manpower shortage? so in the end, we have to help the mounting shift do 1 duty, mine is from 12noon to 3pm...
Let me share with you a very special and meaningful article I saw in Digital Life (The Straits Times). There's a woman named Grace Chow who had a brain tumour and kept a blog in the last 11 days of her life ( it's so amazing that a person who don't have energy on half of her body has to the ability to type a blog, even when she's dying. It's so admirable and inspiring that she look at life in a positive way even when she's dying...
"The enthusiam to believe that I will get better is based on the reluctance to think about the concept of death.
You do not comfort me with your assurance that I won't die, because escaping death is not what I'm longing for. What I'm longing for is for you to understand what death is. Look it in the eye and see it for what it is. And then you'll see that undestanding death is the only one and true liberation." - Grace Chow
After the duties, we did area cleaning. And then PC Ho announce the new system that we have to report to 1 sergeant for anything, and go by the chain of command, something like the infantry style. And he also say that shift 4 will be permanent (I'm originally from shift 2), which I don't want it to happen. I had enough of shift 4, there's people hating each other, eating (push responsibility) each other, and there's zero co-operation and teamwork. A bit sad upon hearing this news, but have to accept the fact...
Later in the evening, met up with my mother at 8pm at Bukit Merah Central. She want me to bring her to see doctor for her "rotten" leg (some skin problem). The clinic is quite ulu ulu, and we are their today's 1st customer! But nevermind, it's free anyway, because it's part of my father's company medical welfare. After which, accompany my mother to shop around that area. Anyway, hasn't been to there for over 1 year! There's a special stage set-up for senior citizens to sing KTV, quite interesting... And got a sale of 2nd hand books outside NTUC Fairprice. And by the way, today is "Dong Zhi" (translation: end of winter), the festival to eat rice ball (Tan Yuan). So my mother bought some Tan Yuan "for the Gods". went home around 10pm, when my mother finally stopped shopping (because the shops are closed)... Pray to "Da Bo Gong", wat GuessX3, done some blogging and then slept at 3am... yawn...
January 02, 2005
out of tune KTV...
20/12/2004, Monday
10am, book out... but tomolo have to come back to standby, that's the sian part... went tampines for breakfast at Mcdonald's with shift mates... this time I got wat I ordered!!! Hotcakes with sausage, my favourite breakfast. Yah, also finally signed up for Mcdonald's Rewards member. Got 500 points for that(500 points = $5.00 value). That's stored in your ez-link card. This membership is ideal for a person who eats Mcdonald's frequently, like me... Seems like the Ez-link card industry is hot and expanding recently. An industry worth exploring, maybe I should start a business in that!
Afternoon, reached home, waiting for Noel's call to confirm wat time meeting later... but he only confirmed when I called him again... Anyway, I don't have much things to do (except sleeping, I haven't been sleeping since 3am!). Haven't been to Great World City, so alighted at the wrong bus stop, and walked for about 20 minutes to there... Finally, met Noel and liang at around 4pm (half hour after our meeting time). this is the time we go out together. Liang is noel's secondary school class mate, and also my poly class mate. and noel is my camp mate... So it's like a triangular (3rd party) relationship... They are intending to buy christmas gifts for their friends. so we loitter around aimlessly. then had some food at Yoshinoya (I've been cheated money for a small bowl of Ki-age Don). And finally decided to buy some Perlin's Silver jewellery for them, just nice that there's a outlet there... so they bought 3 necklaces... then, accompany them to a cafe nearby where 1 of their friends work, quite nice-looking girl... 8) ... program for the night, KTV...
Great World City is really not so accessible (that's why i seldoms come here), so we took a cab to Clementi. it's when we reach there, that we know the pricing had changed, mondays are no longer member's nite. Now the pricing is $14 plus per person! (Partyworld is still better). But we went in in the end, because of unexplanable reasons. We dedicate songs in turns, so it's fair to everyone. We sang the usual popular songs by Jay Chou, Wang Lee Hom, Andy Lau and Beyond. but almost every song i sang is out of tune or pitch, i wasn't "on form"... also got a chance to sing PART of the songs, "In The End" (by Linkin Park) and "Where is the Love" (by Black Eyed Peas). we left around 11.30pm. They went to have supper, but i choosed to go home... I'm just too tired, and don't want to waste money on cab fees again (some more after midnight), any way tomolo still have to book in...
20/12/2004, Monday
10am, book out... but tomolo have to come back to standby, that's the sian part... went tampines for breakfast at Mcdonald's with shift mates... this time I got wat I ordered!!! Hotcakes with sausage, my favourite breakfast. Yah, also finally signed up for Mcdonald's Rewards member. Got 500 points for that(500 points = $5.00 value). That's stored in your ez-link card. This membership is ideal for a person who eats Mcdonald's frequently, like me... Seems like the Ez-link card industry is hot and expanding recently. An industry worth exploring, maybe I should start a business in that!
Afternoon, reached home, waiting for Noel's call to confirm wat time meeting later... but he only confirmed when I called him again... Anyway, I don't have much things to do (except sleeping, I haven't been sleeping since 3am!). Haven't been to Great World City, so alighted at the wrong bus stop, and walked for about 20 minutes to there... Finally, met Noel and liang at around 4pm (half hour after our meeting time). this is the time we go out together. Liang is noel's secondary school class mate, and also my poly class mate. and noel is my camp mate... So it's like a triangular (3rd party) relationship... They are intending to buy christmas gifts for their friends. so we loitter around aimlessly. then had some food at Yoshinoya (I've been cheated money for a small bowl of Ki-age Don). And finally decided to buy some Perlin's Silver jewellery for them, just nice that there's a outlet there... so they bought 3 necklaces... then, accompany them to a cafe nearby where 1 of their friends work, quite nice-looking girl... 8) ... program for the night, KTV...
Great World City is really not so accessible (that's why i seldoms come here), so we took a cab to Clementi. it's when we reach there, that we know the pricing had changed, mondays are no longer member's nite. Now the pricing is $14 plus per person! (Partyworld is still better). But we went in in the end, because of unexplanable reasons. We dedicate songs in turns, so it's fair to everyone. We sang the usual popular songs by Jay Chou, Wang Lee Hom, Andy Lau and Beyond. but almost every song i sang is out of tune or pitch, i wasn't "on form"... also got a chance to sing PART of the songs, "In The End" (by Linkin Park) and "Where is the Love" (by Black Eyed Peas). we left around 11.30pm. They went to have supper, but i choosed to go home... I'm just too tired, and don't want to waste money on cab fees again (some more after midnight), any way tomolo still have to book in...
back to base???
19/12/2004, Sunday
9.30am, woke up... thought that we will stay at Merah at first... but dun noe why tell us to go back base for duties... suck thumbs, have to go back... Duties kept changing and changing back at base, initially got 2.5 duties, then 3.5 duties. luckily some kind soul (yan kit), help me to do 0.5 duty, so got 3 in the end... but duties are after 9pm. that means i can rest now to 9pm, but after 9pm no time to rest liao... should i blame it on lack of manpower, or blame on others who took lots of leave and time-offs... sometimes, i think, ultimately, it's our own pple that bring us to this hetic duties... or is it I think too much??? Heaven Knows!!!
19/12/2004, Sunday
9.30am, woke up... thought that we will stay at Merah at first... but dun noe why tell us to go back base for duties... suck thumbs, have to go back... Duties kept changing and changing back at base, initially got 2.5 duties, then 3.5 duties. luckily some kind soul (yan kit), help me to do 0.5 duty, so got 3 in the end... but duties are after 9pm. that means i can rest now to 9pm, but after 9pm no time to rest liao... should i blame it on lack of manpower, or blame on others who took lots of leave and time-offs... sometimes, i think, ultimately, it's our own pple that bring us to this hetic duties... or is it I think too much??? Heaven Knows!!!
change in monthly schedule again...
18/12/2004, Saturday
8am, back at camp, monthly duty schedule is finally finalised (for the time being lah...). For this mount, we will have dismount followed by standby (8 to 5). Then, next mount will standby followed by dismount. This will happen for alterante mounts. Don't understand? never mind lah... to sum it up, this schedule leads to increase in transportation fees, wastage of bookout time and more duties per person... haiz... who tell us to fail the security audit?
9.30am, reach merah for duties. weekends no so much visitors and contractors, so quite relax... sitting in the control room, trying hard to fight the Zzzzz monster (trying sleep lah...) during duty that's because i only slept 2 hours plus yesterday. duty finishes at 6pm. after watching some VCDs i had seen countless times (steph chow movies, bo bian, sergeant had been watching whole day, i cant even watch my own VCDs!!!). went straight to bed after that...
18/12/2004, Saturday
8am, back at camp, monthly duty schedule is finally finalised (for the time being lah...). For this mount, we will have dismount followed by standby (8 to 5). Then, next mount will standby followed by dismount. This will happen for alterante mounts. Don't understand? never mind lah... to sum it up, this schedule leads to increase in transportation fees, wastage of bookout time and more duties per person... haiz... who tell us to fail the security audit?
9.30am, reach merah for duties. weekends no so much visitors and contractors, so quite relax... sitting in the control room, trying hard to fight the Zzzzz monster (trying sleep lah...) during duty that's because i only slept 2 hours plus yesterday. duty finishes at 6pm. after watching some VCDs i had seen countless times (steph chow movies, bo bian, sergeant had been watching whole day, i cant even watch my own VCDs!!!). went straight to bed after that...
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