September 30, 2006

CAC Investiture 2006 (13/09/2006)

Just like what Irwin says in his blog, A Picture Paints A Thousand Words...
Investiture on 13th September 2006 officially marks the end of my office term as CAC Orientation Director. We are so happy yet sad that our term has ended. After the investiture, everyone started to grab each other to take photos. I think it will be awhile till the next time we will meet each other.

The past year had been very exciting and challenging. Juggling CAC and Studies had never been easy. I found myself constantly trying to meet deadlines, but all this is defintely worth it...
15th Exco, especially lawrence and hoi ning, thanks so much for the experience you had gave me... I will never forget you all...

See more photos here

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Just uploaded some videos to my youtube account… Plug in your earphones to listen more carefully at their background vocals also! if you want the videos, send me a message on msn, I will be glad to share...
and ya… I now trying the option of posting a blog through email, so I no need to go through the blogger website, cool right?

觸電 MV by S.H.E... the story is a continuation from the 戀人未滿 MV... that's why they even find the same male actor in the 戀人未滿 MV to act in this MV

Ring Ring Ring MV... the story is about when girls give a guy their phone number, this song describes fellings of the girl waiting for the guy to call her...

我們怎麼了MV - OMG! Hebe plays the piano so beutifully in this MV... you don't think she is acting hor... she really knows how to play the piano! I saw her playing in a variety show before... ok, the song is about a couple breakup, and they are trying to find the reason why they will breakup, they are trying to understand 我們怎麼了

if you unable to see the video or it's too lagging, click the text link here

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An article by Hebe

A post written by Hebe on their blog . Oh my god, her 文筆 is so good. Look at her careful usage of words, it's both clever and funny. Wait, you still don't know what she talking about? she is describing Ella and Selina la... At this standard, me (and many of her fans) really thinks she should start to write a novel or such... confirm plus chop will be the bestseller...


雖然從小就從故事書 電視 電影裡知道世界上有天使 但前幾天還真是頭一遭看到他呢
他沒有一對翅膀 沒有飄在空中 跟想像的不一樣
她身著直條紋襯衫 留鬍子 嘴唇乾裂
她有一股味道 頭臭味 油油的味道
但又有一股味道傳來 蓋過他的頭油臭味
那就是善良的味道 陣陣撲鼻 好好聞喔
就算他手腳 嘴唇皆乾裂
就算他鬍子不刮 虎牙噴出來 我都會愛他

後來我走呀走 走呀走 覺得舌頭不舒服 口好乾
一直想找水喝 真不知道為何 彷彿吃到辣椒一般
原來是我碰到了一位辣妹 很有氣質的麻辣
我心跳加速 小鹿亂撞迅速拿了相機補捉了他的倩影
她那雙細常筆直 膿纖合度的美腿
她那布滿量片的髮箍 充滿鑽石的大耳環都無法搶過他發自體內迷人的萬丈光芒

See the accompanying photos here本篇文章引用自此

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September 15, 2006

I HATE reports!!!

This is what appears on MSN nick now... I really truly hate reports... don't be mistaken... I hate reports and but I like to do projects... In fact, projects force myself to learn more things, and gives me a sense of achievement... Ok, back to why I hate reports... On wednesday night, I didn't sleep at all because of a stupid report that needs to draw more than 20 graphs for which mostly are very similar... it's not hard to do, but it's very tedious... and what I gain from the report? I don't think I learn a lot from preparing a report...

Ok, let's now consolidate what other projects I had in hand now...
Operating Systems - One Lab Report every 2 weeks....
Microcontroller Systems Design - Mini Project on Music Recorder
Software Engineering - Public Bus Simulation System
Instrumentation & Data Acquisition Systems - Mini Project base on Lab 3
Design & Development Project - Maze Exploration and Line-Tracking Robot

btw, when I say miniproject... It's actually not mini... it's damm tough to do it.... ya, I haven't mentioned I still got a quiz next week... And I figuring when I got time to study for it? okie... fine... I think I have to find some way struggle through these projects some how...

Okie, I just had Investiture 2 days ago on wednesday, now only got one photo taken by Shandy's phone... I will post some more photos once I got them... until then, stay tuned...

Investiture on 13th September 2006

September 11, 2006

so many deadlines...

the time now is 5.42am... U want to know why I wake up so early? NO! in fact I have not sleep yet... urgh... I just finished reading some documents on my upcoming Design & Development Project (and at the same time watching 東方茱麗葉 Epidsode 9.. haha)... bo bian... I got a project meeting today after school so I need to read ahead of others! Why? because I again stupidly volunteered to be group leader... but looking on the bright side of life, being a group leader, I got better control of what I like to achieve in the project...

On this same week, I also need to finish 2 reports (due on tues and thurs) and work on Software Engineering and Microcontroller Systems Design project.... Urgh! ok... I think I can manage...

I had lots of fun last weekend and also helped my mother to tidy up the living room (will continue next weekend)... update? yes, I will definitely upload some pics and details of what I done last weekend... wait till I finish one of my reports tonight ok?

oh ya... tonight got the sub com recruitment drive for the CAC committees... I am going to run for sub com for all projects... I am nuts right? ok that's all for now... I need to go sleep liao... later need to wake up at 8am.. I must force myself to go for morning lessons!!!

September 03, 2006

A post after 4 months of disappearing from the blogosphere

I think I had not been keeping my promises lately... I promised that this website will have a new look in Aug... BUT now is Sep and it's still the same... haiz..

I had been really busy for the pass 3 months...

1stly... Me is busy for the whole holiday in preparing the FOC

2ndly... My grandmother passed away 3 days after the FOC

3rdly, there are at least 3 CAC events per week since school re-opens...

The Good news is that I finally have more time to do my own stuff after I step down (Which is after AGM on wed)... The Bad news is I got lesser chances of meeting up with my beloved CAC friends... (os: I will miss U All!)

So do check back again for more frequent updates of my life... And remember to post some comments or tag at the shoutout box on the right.