This is what appears on MSN nick now... I really truly hate reports... don't be mistaken... I hate reports and but I like to do projects... In fact, projects force myself to learn more things, and gives me a sense of achievement... Ok, back to why I hate reports... On wednesday night, I didn't sleep at all because of a stupid report that needs to draw more than 20 graphs for which mostly are very similar... it's not hard to do, but it's very tedious... and what I gain from the report? I don't think I learn a lot from preparing a report...
Ok, let's now consolidate what other projects I had in hand now...
Operating Systems - One Lab Report every 2 weeks....
Microcontroller Systems Design - Mini Project on Music Recorder
Software Engineering - Public Bus Simulation System
Instrumentation & Data Acquisition Systems - Mini Project base on Lab 3
Design & Development Project - Maze Exploration and Line-Tracking Robot
btw, when I say miniproject... It's actually not mini... it's damm tough to do it.... ya, I haven't mentioned I still got a quiz next week... And I figuring when I got time to study for it? okie... fine... I think I have to find some way struggle through these projects some how...
Okie, I just had Investiture 2 days ago on wednesday, now only got one photo taken by Shandy's phone... I will post some more photos once I got them... until then, stay tuned...